Lista - 2ª serie - Recuperacao - 29.06.16


Lista - 2ª serie - Recuperacao - 29.06.16
Goiânia, ____ de ___________ de 2016
Série: 2ª  Turma: _______
Disciplina: Inglês  Professora: Rafaela Polo
Matéria: Capítulo 7 – Question Tags + Interpretação de Texto
Complete essas frases com uma “tag question”.
It´s a beautiful day, ____________________?
These flowers are nice, __________________?
Jane was at the party, _________________?
You’ve been to Paris, _________________?
You speak German, ___________________?
Martin looks tired, ____________________?
You’ll help me, ____________________?
2. Complete estas frases com uma “tag question”, positiva ou
a) You haven’t got a car, ___________________?
b) You aren’t tired, ___________________?
c) Lisa is a very nice person, _________________?
d) You can play the piano, ____________________?
e) You don’t know Mike’s sister, __________________?
f) Sarah went to university, ___________________?
g) The film wasn’t very good, __________________?
h) Anna lives near you, ____________________?
i) You won’t tell anybody what I said, __________________?
j) Columbus didn’t want to stay any longer, ________________?
k) The tiger will kill the snake in a minute, _________________?
l) I am very late today, _________________?
m) Peter and Tim are interested in cheap cameras,
n) Helen is going to buy some new T-shirts and skirts,
o) The expedition had reached the summit in time,
p) Your uncle has lived in Canberra for more than 10 years,
q) Get down from there, _________________?
r) Let’s go to the movies tonight, __________________?
3. Leia o texto abaixo e responda às perguntas em português.
The appeal of rhyme
David Crystal
Rhyme is always noticed in English. You may even hear someone
comment on it, if a rhyme unexpectedly appears in a conversation.
‘Ooh, you’re a poet and you didn’t know it!’ What’s the reason for
Words rhyme when they end with the same vowel sounds (as in
me and tea) or the same sequence of vowels and consonants (as in cat
and mat, or ready and steady). In the English tradition, the beginning
of the words must be different. It doesn’t feel comfortable to say that
ready rhymes with ready.
The longer the rhyming sequence, the more effective the rhyme. A
popular word game is find really long rhymes. Is there a word in
English that rhymes with nomination? Denomination. With
harmonious? Euphonious. People also enjoy hunting down words that
don’t have any rhymes at all. For example, no word in English rhymes
with silver.
We learn to love rhymes at a very early age. Some of our earliest
linguistic memories are of nursery rhymes: Jack and Jill / went up a
hill… And we played with rhymes in the street, while bouncing a ball
against a wall, or while skipping (Three six nine, the goose drank
So, why are rhymes so effective in English? The answer is partly to
do with the structure of the language. Words in English don’t usually
end with the same sounds. So when we do make them end in the
same way, the effect is really noticeable.
Not all languages go in for rhyme. Languages which have a lot of
inflections, such as Latin, avoid it, because in everyday speech many
words rhyme already. “My good friend” is “amicus bonus meus” (if a
man) or “amica bona mea” (if a woman). Rhyming loses its appeal if
everyone does it all the time. English is a language with very few
inflections, so words don’t naturally rhyme.
Rhymes are fun, and they sound nice, but the can be useful too.
What do we do if we want to remember something really well? We
rhyme. “Thirty days hath September / April, June and November…”
a. Diga duas formas que o texto traz de como as palavras podem
rimar em inglês.
b. Por que a rima é tão efetiva em inglês?
c. Que tipos de Línguas evitam rimas? Por quê?
d. Responda se as afirmações abaixo estão certas ou erradas de
acordo com o texto:
1- Para uma boa rima em inglês, o começo da palavra deve rimar.
2- Crianças usam rimas quando brincam ou jogam um jogo.
3- Sons similares no final das palavras são comuns em inglês.
4- Uma Língua com muitas inflexões é divertida para criar rimas.
5- Rimas são divertidas mas podem causar problemas quando
precisamos de lembrar de algo.
4. Leia o texto abaixo e marque a alternativa corretas das perguntas
que seguem.
To live the longest and healthiest life possible, get smarter. Institute
for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) data show that past a
certain threshold, health and wealth are just weakly correlated.
However, overall health is closely tied to how many years people
spend in school. Mexico, for instance, has a fifth the per capita gross
domestic product (GDP) of the United States, but, for women, more
than 50 percent of the latter’s schooling.
In line with the trend, Mexico’s female adult mortality rate is only
narrowly higher. Vietnam and Yemen have roughly equivalent per
capita GDP. Yet Vietnamese women average 6.3 more years in school
and are half as likely to die between the ages of 15 and 60. “Economic
growth is also significantly associated with child mortality reductions,
but the magnitude of the association is much smaller than that of
increased education,” comments Emmanuela Gakidou, IHME’s
director of education and training. “One year of schooling gives you
about 10 percent lower mortality rates, whereas with a 10 percent
Colégio - Rua T-53 Qd. 92 Lt. 10/11 nº 1336 - Setor Bueno – Goiânia-GO - Fone: 3285-7473 –
increase in GDP, your mortality rate would go down only by 1 to 2
Discover, May 31, 2013. Adaptado.
a) De acordo como texto, “about 10 percent lower mortality rates” é
resultado de:
1- “10 percent increase in GDP”
2- “child mortality reductions”
3- “equivalent per capita GDP”
4- “economic growth”
5- “one year of schooling”
b) No texto, ao se comparar o México aos Estados Unidos, afirma-se
que, no México,
1- o produto interno bruto é equivalente a 50% do produto interno
bruto dos Estados Unidos.
2- os índices de mortalidade adulta vêm crescendo, nos últimos
3- as mulheres representam 50% da população escolarizada.
4- as políticas educacionais são suficientes e estão defasadas.
5- as taxas de mortalidade feminina adulta são pouco superiores às
c) O argumento central do texto é o de que níveis mais altos de
escolaridade estão diretamente relacionados a:
1- índices mais baixos de mortalidade.
2- crescimento econômico acentuado.
3- mais empregos para as mulheres.
4- menores taxas de natalidade.
5- melhorias nos serviços de saúde.
Colégio - Rua T-53 Qd. 92 Lt. 10/11 nº 1336 - Setor Bueno – Goiânia-GO - Fone: 3285-7473 –