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Orientações Metodológicas para
Inglês – 9o Ano – 2o Bimestre
1. Abordagem dos Assuntos
Este capítulo se propõe a mostrar ao aluno que a música é
uma forma de comunicação que reflete os costumes da época em
que está inserida. Propõe-se também a lhe fornecer ferramentas
que permitam imprimir maior coerência e coesão na expressão
de suas ideias, fazendo, ao mesmo tempo, com que o ato de
leitura seja mais agradável e facilmente compreensível. Cabe
aqui salientar que o professor de Geografia está trabalhando,
neste mesmo momento, o tema Comunicações e o poder da
mídia, em que também aborda a indústria do entretenimento de
uma forma geral, citando a invasão principalmente da indústria
cultural norte-americana junto aos brasileiros.
Na certeza de que, em se tratando de música, é muito
difícil agradar a todos, a intenção deste fascículo é abordar
genericamente o tema, apresentando pessoas, ritmos e momentos
significativos desta arte, que não ficassem muito distantes do
universo dos alunos. As atividades propostas têm a incumbência
de aproximar ainda mais o tema das preferências individuais.
Procuramos também enfatizar e desenvolver as habilidades
de comunicação oral e escrita, fazendo com que o aluno
perceba a importância da escolha das palavras, quando fala ou
escreve, de modo a poder expressar com maior clareza suas
ideias. Neste contexto, conhecer as conjunções e as ideias
que elas introduzem é fundamental para a coerência e coesão
textual. Você, professor, pode utilizar as frases dos textos e
exercícios realizados para trabalhar o raciocínio linguístico, as
noções quanto a: qual ação antecedeu outra, relações de causa
ou consequência etc. Não se deve enfatizar a sintaxe das frases
— coordenação ou subordinação — pois o que se pretende é
que o aluno adquira a noção do texto como um todo e não de
suas diversas partes.
2.Temas Transversais
Pluralidade Cultural: os diferentes estilos musicais,
desenvolvidos nos vários países, reforçam as diferenças
culturais existentes entre eles. Portanto, a música é ótima
aliada na discussão destas diferenças, sempre procurando
deixar claro que ser diferente não significa ser melhor ou pior,
apenas diferente. Por exemplo, a música negra americana é
característica de uma parcela da população, diferenciando-se,
em vários aspectos, da música produzida pelos brancos. Muitos
cantores americanos de sucesso internacional, principalmente
os negros, começaram cantando música gospel.
Cabem aqui duas questões:
Existe uma música brasileira tipicamente negra?
Haveria no Brasil maior miscigenação racial, com reflexo
nas diferentes manifestações culturais, inclusive na música?
Trabalho e Consumo: atualmente, pode-se falar
na “indústria da música”. O setor de entretenimento é
responsável pela circulação de grande quantidade de
dinheiro, sendo que o sucesso é uma meta para muitos destes
profissionais. Pode-se questionar aqui a importância, por
vezes excessiva, que se atribui a músicos e artistas em geral,
em detrimento de outros trabalhadores.
Ética: Até que ponto é correto que pessoas famosas, dentre
elas os artistas ligados à música, passem a ser personagens
públicos, perdendo o direito à sua vida privada? Qual o limite
entre o particular e o privado? Outro ponto que você, professor,
pode debater com seus alunos é a questão dos direitos autorais
na música, que pode ser extrapolada para outros segmentos,
como as obras escritas.
Quando um trabalho se torna de domínio público, podendo
ser copiado sem preocupação com os direitos autorais? Seriam
os direitos autorais um abuso, se não pela quantia, por sua
É interessante abordar os dois lados da questão, pois
quando uma obra se torna de domínio público, acaba tornandose suscetível a grandes alterações, que modificam seu o sentido
e a sua intenção iniciais. Por outro lado, o custo financeiro da
cessão de direitos autorais para uso de muitas delas é alto, o
que impossibilita seu acesso para ampliar a cultura geral dos
3.atividades extras
A. The teacher could suggest a talent show, to allow students
to give way to their hidden talents. It could be an activity to
be developed within one classroom or involving all eighth
grades. The presentations should be in English and the
students could sing, play, dub, dance etc.
B. The teacher could use the texts written by the students in
this unit, or others he/she may think of to create a magazine
like People or Entertainment.
(See information of sites below for some suggestions)
C. Quiz – ask students to write questions about the singers
or groups they talked about in the unit, or any other they
could think of. They should know the correct answer
to these questions. Divide the class in groups and start a
competition. Each group should take a question out of a
bag and give the correct answer.
D.Ask students to elaborate a crossword puzzle, in pairs.
The answers to the puzzle should be conjunctions and the
vocabulary studied in this unit. They could also add some
information about the singers or groups they worked with
or read about in this unit.
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Para o Professor e Alunos: — site da revista People, que traz
notícias sobre pessoas famosas. — site da revista Entertainment, que traz
notícias sobre cinema, teatro, música e outras formas de
Orientações Metodológicas
respostas das Atividades
before( c/e )
b) although ( f ) alternative
and( a )
d) because ( g ) condition
e) both … and ( d ) explanation
f) either … or ( b/h ) contrast
g) as long as ( e/c ) adition
but( h/b )
03.Mantendo-se a ordem da coluna da esquerda, resulta:
(g) to become greater in number, level or amount
(d) to do
(a) serious, important or useful in a way
(f) give the opportunity to happen
(b) to be in charge, to be responsible for
(h) anything used for a particular purpose
(e) to happen as a direct result of
(c) word or group of words that is repeated over and over again
04.a) Although Marcio studied music for many years, he still can´t
play the piano very well.
b) Cindy can’t read music, but she plays the guitar beautifully.
c) My sister doesn’t play the violin professionally because she
has to look after her young children.
d) Peter plays the drums and the electric guitar extremely well.
e) Schools should have music classes because it’s good to
develop children’s sensitivity.
Conjunctions: The teacher may find it useful to explain that
the same word can be used as a conjunction or as a preposition,
depending on the context.
Hip-hop and rap
Hip-hop is a form of popular music that's comprised mainly of
emceeing and deejaying. The other two components that complete
the four elements of hip-hop are graffiti and breakdancing. As
hip-hop evolves into big business, the four elements (emceeing,
deejaying, graffiti, and breakdancing) are constantly being merged
with others like clothing trends, slang, and general mindset.
Rap is a form of music that stemmed from hip-hop culture,
whereas hip hop is a lifestyle with its own lingo, dress code, etc.
In the words of KRS-One, "hip-hop is something you live, rap is
something you do."
A product of cross-cultural integration, rap is deeply rooted within
ancient African culture and oral tradition and is believed to have
originated in the Bronx by a Jamaican DJ named Kool Herc. Not
only did Herc's style of deejaying involve reciting rhymes over
instrumentals but he would also, at his house parties, rap with the
microphone, using a myriad of in-house references. Because of
its success, duplicates of Herc's house parties soon drifted through
Brooklyn, Manhattan. So, Herc and other block party DJs helped
spread the message of hip-hop around town and spawned tons of
Hip-hop as a musical melting pot is still evolving. It has become
more eclectic, borrowing from soul, jazz and live instrumentations
with the likes of De La Soul, A Tribe Called Quest, and others.
para o
05.As – Time
Whereas – Time
Not only.... but also – Adition
And – Adition
Because – Reason
So – Consequence
06.Personal Answer
07.( 2 ) folk ( 4 ) jazz
( 1 ) classical ( 8 ) gospel
( 5 )rock’n roll( 7 )samba
( 6 ) country ( 3 ) opera
Oral Production
08.The teacher could explain to the students how to complete the
The column for observation is for any special comment the
person wants to make.
The column listen at home is to check if there’s someone in
the family who likes this kind of music and listens to it.
The column interview is to write the name of the person who
answered the question. All this information is necessary to
help them write their sentences.
09.At this point it would be interesting to explain to the students
that the use of the auxiliar substitutes the rest of the sentence.
Therefore it’s more colloquial not to mention all the information
10.The Beatles
The group founded by John Lennon is, for sure, the most famous
rock group in history. Their original name was “The Quarrymen”.
When Paul McCartney joined in and after they did some tours to
Germany, they changed the name for “The Beatles”. Although/
Even though they were very successful in Liverpool, their
hometown, nobody knew them elsewhere. They only became
famous outside Liverpool after Ringo Starr joined the band in
the 60’s. In 1963 they had their first tour in the United States,
following their first hit “Please, Please Me”. This year they
were consolidated as an international success. Since then, they
continued making great success and producing wonderful work
like Sargent Peppers album, “Hey Jude”, “Hard Days Night”,
“Yellow Submarine” among many others. Even though/
Although they broke up in 1970, their songs are still played and
they still have lots of fans all over the world because they brought
important and everlasting changes to the music scenary.
11.a) ( T )
b) ( F )
c) ( F )
d) ( T )
e) ( T )
Your Own Production
12.The texts produced by the students could later become a gap
filling exercise, if the conjunctions or other words concerning
vocabulary were erased from the text. The students could do it
themselves and exchange texts or the teacher could choose some
of them and prepare an extra exercise.
Orientações Metodológicas
Reading Skimming / Scanning
14.a) It’s about the different musical attractions in Leeds, Britain.
b) The Who recorded an album in Leeds back in the 70’s.
c) Leeds Opera House is in Holbeck, an area that’s been reviving
in the last years.
d) Leeds has a musical relationship with Milan.
15.a) He was born on 8 January 1935.
b) He was from Mississipi.
c) He got a job as a truck driver.
d) He started his carreer in 1954.
e) He married Priscilla.
f) He was 42 years old when he died.
para o
Selling old Stuff
1. Abordagem dos Assuntos
O tópico gramatical deste capítulo é um pouco mais denso
e envolve diversos conhecimentos estudados em capítulos
anteriores, principalmente sobre tempos verbais. Assim sendo,
seria interessante fazer uma revisão destes tempos verbais, caso
os alunos apresentem dificuldade em utilizá-los corretamente.
É importante não dar muita ênfase à gramática sem que
haja real necessidade.
2.Temas Transversais
Trabalho e Consumo: de certa forma, a sociedade
capitalista nos obriga a consumir bens constantemente,
fazendo com que descartemos certos produtos que julgamos
não necessitar mais ou que podem ser substituídos por outros
mais modernos. Porém, nem sempre este consumo desenfreado
é necessário. Os produtos descartados por alguns podem
ser consumidos por outros, que talvez não estejam tão bem
posicionados do ponto de vista financeiro e social. Cabe aqui,
então, uma discussão quanto à necessidade real de se consumir
o novo, bem como o excesso de valorização que se dá, em
nossa cultura, para o que é novo em detrimento do que é velho,
que não é necessariamente obsoleto;
Meio Ambiente: a renovação constante dos produtos
obriga-nos a descartar o que não possui mais serventia. Tal
fato gera um problema quanto ao destino do lixo, que muitas
vezes afeta sobremaneira o meio ambiente.
É importante conscientizar as novas gerações quanto à
necessidade de se pensar no destino do lixo e dos detritos de
modo geral, passando pelo caminho da reciclagem;
Analisando a questão também sob o aspecto da sociedade,
reciclar significa reutilizar um produto, por vezes de outra
forma, ou mesmo deixar que outra pessoa lhe atribua um
novo significado, como acontece no “mercado das pulgas”,
instituição ainda não muito comum na sociedade brasileira,
embora por vezes se ouça comentários sobre ‘brechós’;
Pluralidade Cultural: o hábito de organizar garage sales
demonstra dois aspectos da cultura norte-americana: reverter a
quantia arrecadada na venda de objetos velhos para a compra de
novos objetos; não descartar os mesmos, pois geralmente estes
se apresentam ainda em bom estado, podendo ser adquiridos
por pessoas que ainda não têm condições de adquirir objetos
It’s about YouTube.
It’s an Internet site used to upload videos.
Three friends were looking for an easier way to share videos.
It was a video of one of the founders at San Diego Zoo.
It says he used the site in his political campaign.
There are two possibilities, it may become the TV in our room
or may be overcome by other technologies.
19.a) There are many different kinds of music.
b) The Beatles became famous after Ringo Starr joined the
c) Gospel is a modern form of Negro Spiritual.
d) Although The Beatles broke up, they introduced changes to
the contemporary music scene.
20.Personal Answer.
3. atividades extras
A. Crossword – ask the students to elaborate a crossword
puzzle using sentences and words seen in this unit. They
can do it in pairs and exchange their work with other friends
to solve and correct.
B. Write a few sentences beginning with if but don’t finish
them. Put them all in a bag and ask students individually or
in group to take one and finish it. If it’s correct, the person
or the group scores a point.
Orientações Metodológicas
C. Swap meet – ask each student to bring one object they
would like to exchange for something else. They would
then use the class to exchange their objects speaking in
English. Be careful that the students don’t bring anything
too expensive to class. It would be a good idea to have their
parent’s written authorization to take it to school. Or else,
the “swap” could be cancelled in the end.
D. Research – ask your students to look for the Silicon Valley
and present what they find to the class. Also ask them to do
a research on flea market and tell the class what they find
4.Sugestões Adicionais
Para o Professor:
respostas das Atividades
Selling old stuff
It might be a good idea to tell the students that a garage sale is a
very common activit in the US, when a family decides to get rid of
some of the things they have that are not being used anymore. It’s
also common when a family is going to move to another house, so
they won’t take anything which they’re not going to use anymore.
21.a) They’re planning to go to a garage sale.
b) Marta wouldn’t like to buy anything special for herself.
c) She doesn’t want to buy anything special either.
d) Marta would.
e) Linda would.
f) She would like to have the old clock.
g) She didn’t buy the evening dress because it didn’t suit her.
22.( A ) watch ( B ) necklace ( C ) ring
( D ) lamp ( E ) coffe table ( F ) clock
( G ) earrings ( H ) armchair ( I ) picture
( J ) bracelet
23.Personal Answer
24.a) If the price is good, I’ll buy it. (be / buy)
b)Martin won’t come to the party if he has to work late on
Friday. (come / have)
c)They will get wet if it rains. (get / rain)
d) If I am not busy on Sunday, I’ll help you wash your car. (be /
e)Peter will come for the party if you invite him. (come / invite)
f) If you send the telegram now, he will receive it this evening.
(send / receive)
25.Personal answers: the students can complete the sentences with
anything they want, as long as it makes sense. If necessary, the
teacher has to call the student’s attention to the verb tenses.
26.Personal answers.
27.d / c / a / e / b
28.a) Correct
b) They would go to the beach on the weekend if they had a car.
They will go to the beach on the weekend if they have a car.
para o
c) The garage sale would be a success if people went to see it.
d) You would sell this old chair if you didn’t want too much
money for it.
e) If I were Mary, I wouldn’t go out with Frank.
29.a) If I were you I would study for the test.
b) Marcia would buy that dress if she had the money.
c) Janet won’t travel next month if she doesn’t finish her work.
d) There won’t be a garage sale if it rains.
cattle feed lotb)
d) flea e) hordes f) took place
31.a) A flea market is a place where people sell second-hand goods.
b) There are flea markets in England. Portobello Road is the
most famous one.
c) Nobody knows for sure the origin of flea markets.
d) The flea market in Silicon Valley is very big.
e) George Bump got the idea for the flea market at swap meets.
32.Personal Answers. Students may come up with questions like:
“What is a flea market? What is a swap meet? Where do swap
meets take place?”
Any question can be considered valid, as long as there’s no serious
grammar mistake and the answer to it is in the text.
had seenb)
had done
c) would have caught d) would have told
e) would have come
34.A. a) future possible B. b) present unreal
unreal past D.
present unreal
35.a) If + Simple Present
Will + verb in the base form (infinitive without to)
b) If + Simple Past
Would + verb in the base form (infinitive without to)
c) If + Past Perfect
Would + Present Perfect
would have gonec)
had waitede)
wouldn’t do
37.a) What would you do if I told you the truth? OR
What will you do if I tell you the truth?
b) Where will he park the car if he buys it? OR
Where would he park the car if he bought it?
c) I would never say that if I were you.
e) I won’t wake up at six o’clock if I don’t set the alarm clock. /
I wouldn’t wake up at six o’clock if I didn’t set the alarm
38.Personal Answers.

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