Newsletter - St. Nicholas School


Newsletter - St. Nicholas School
St. Nicholas
Newsletter :: June I :: 2011
Year 12 Graduation Ceremony
Upcoming events
Mon 25th to Wed 27th
Senior School Recuperação
Wed 3
School starts for pupils
Festa Junina 2011,
um espetáculo!
Dedé Toffoli
Nossa Festa Junina foi novamente um
sucesso! O sol daquele sábado, 11
de junho, reforçou o tom colorido das
bandeirinhas e das roupinhas caipiras. E
como brilharam as nossas crianças! Do
Tiny Tots até o Year 6 houve um festival de
apresentações variadas, que trouxeram a
riqueza da cultura regional de diferentes
partes do Brasil. Parabéns às nossas
crianças que participaram lindamente das
danças folclóricas e da capoeira. Todos
se divertiram a valer com as brincadeiras
juninas nas barracas e se deliciaram com
as comidas e doces típicos.
Um muito obrigado a todos os professores
que ajudaram a organizar as danças;
ao departamento de Português, que se
empenhou nos ensaios (com destaque
para a Ms. Bueno, que nos trouxe tantas
novidades, fruto de sua constante pesquisa
sobre a cultura nacional); ao departamento
de Música, que tocou as canções; ao
departamento de Educação Física, que,
como todos os anos, trouxe a capoeira que
tanto nos encanta; aos pais e funcionários
da escola que trabalharam durante a festa,
aos pais que vieram prestigiar seus filhos;
ao pessoal da Sodexo, da Manutenção
e Guardas e Portaria, que deram todo o
suporte para que tudo corresse bem e, em
especial, muito obrigado ao nosso PTA e à
querida Teresa Santiago, que trabalharam
com tanto carinho para o sucesso de mais
um já tradicional Arraial da St. Nicholas!
Anna Kirsten
Ana Cristina Budyra
Família Traslosheros
Helio Hattori
Dra. Maria Fernanda
Fabíola Dib Damara
Bus Children
Carlos Leibowicz
Marco Iannoni
Julia Macedo
Luz Maria Dumas
Claudia Lyrio
Chácara Santa
Tour Delivery
Viagens E Turismo
Tattoo Dreams
Delle Scarpe
Alexandra Lwow
Vicente Feliú
Licibety Fakiani
Pousada Do
Volvo Cars Brasil
Antena 1
Paulo Silveira
Carlos Tieghi
The Year 12 Graduation Ceremony, attended
by students, teachers, parents, the school
founders and other guests, took place at
The British Centre in Pinheiros on Saturday
May 28th and was a marvellous occasion
in which 29 students formally completed
their education and the end of their St.
Nicholas journey. It was an opportunity
for reflection, emotional farewells and
looking forward to the challenges that
lie ahead for an international group of
students representing Brazil, Argentina,
Japan, South Korea, India, Lebanon,
South Africa, Israel, Portugal, Holland and
Germany. There were various speeches
made by teachers while Abram Moatshe
and Yasmin Younes spoke impressively on
behalf of the students, reflecting on their
memories of school and the skills, qualities
and attributes they had developed in a
mature, confident, eloquent manner.
Students received their school graduation
certificates and Ensino Médio diplomas.
There were also four special awards:
Academic Award
Nikita Kukreja
Award for Integrity, Compassion and
Alexis Sogl
Award for Leadership Qualities
Leila Abduni
Award for the Most Supportive Student
Yasmin Younes
Year 10 English Work - Descriptive Writing
Description of Fernando de Noronha (Sancho Bay)
The scent of the sea purified my lungs
of the city’s polluted air. The lack of the
constant purring of the car’s engines
drew attention to the low yet peaceful and
consistent sway of the waves. On the back
of my throat, there was the dry taste of the
salt blown by the breeze of the East and
soon there was the huge urge to quench
my thirst. Closing my eyes, I magnified my
senses and enjoyed the majesty of nature
around me. When they were reopened, all
the blur of colours of different shades and
contrast made me feel instantly rejoiced by
the surrounding spring flowers.
Once my sight focused onto the bay below
me, I managed to distinguish the minor,
darker and agile shades of blue on the
immense, mysterious ocean as shadows
seemed to be dancing like ballerinas
underneath the blanket of crystal clear
water. Unexpectedly, a small group of those
blurs leaped over the surface as if they
had been launched by cannon, paralysing
my body with their astounding grace and
delicateness in their twists above the water.
The elegance of the dolphins made them
appear as divine sea dancers.
Suddenly, the realisation came to me that
Mother Nature had managed to preserve
this fragment of the Garden of Eden under
the supervision of local inhabitants. Even
in the presence of outsiders in their fragile
João Lima
homes, they did not fly away desperately
in the air as most would do in the city, but
they observed the foreigners with large,
dark and curious eyes that were full of
innocence untouched by the terrors of
mankind. Not only did they live in trees,
but there were some crabs crawling on
the shore with swift steps in sideways
direction made by their brittle pale legs
and blunt, powerful pincers.
Descending to the shoreline, a reasonable
amount of effort was necessary to ensure
a safe hike through a narrow and steep
path that located itself in the middle of
thick trees and tall grass-like plants. The
disturbing buzz of mosquitos and bees
combined with their numerous stings
made the trek nearly unbearable. By then,
the air was damp and warm as it had lost
the freshness of the sea. With pools of
sweat visible on my shirt’s chest, back
and armpits and the soft, dry sand rubbing
against my soles as I staggered towards
the sea, I arrived in Sancho Bay.
With the darkening orange sky that seemed
to be closing in my sight, I noticed that
on the horizon, what before were sparse
clouds, became a thick layer of blending
colours. The orange gradually became
grey that transformed into blue and green
as the cloud kissed the sea.
Apresentação de
Ginástica Rítmica
Movimentos que unem ritmo musical,
agilidade e coreografia. Essas são as
principais características do novo ECA
oferecido pela escola: a Ginástica Rítmica.
No último dia 1º, nossas ginastas
brilharam lindamente, apresentando-se
para uma enorme plateia com o aparelho
fita. Parabéns para todas!
A professora Renata Bigio avisa, para quem
tem interesse neste ECA, que em agosto,
iniciarão novas turmas. Para Kindergarten,
Year 1 e Year 2 serão duas aulas às quartas
e a partir do Year 3 as aulas são às sextasfeiras. Venha fazer parte da nossa equipe!
Art, Music & Dance
Senior School Celebration Afternoon
The Senior School Celebration Afternoon
which took place on Friday June 10th
was an opportunity for all students and
teachers to review the academic year and
reflect on the numerous successes and
achievements of students in a range of
activities throughout the year.
Year 9 KS - Kyle Sog
Nessrin Younes, Stephanie Geller and
Bontle Moatshe provided a student
(particularly the work of the Student
Council) in a confident, informative and
eloquent presentation. There were some
highly impressive musical performances
from Su Ji Lee, Chang Hoon (Alex) Park,
Ana Cristina Brunner and Nao Ishii. Sophie
Barros and Daniel Stern produced a
impressive presentation of visual memories
of the school year accompanied by music
while an exhibition of Art work prepared
by Ms. Barker was projected as students
entered the Hall.
Year 11 LP - Ofir Geva
Various awards were presented during
the ceremony and the following students
received awards:
Tutor Awards
Year 7/8 DS - Lucas Gomes
Year 7/8 GR - Luiz Gustavo Borges
Year 7/8 IF - Catarina Marchon da Silva
Year 7/8 JB - Daniella Iannoni
Year 7/8 NR - Giovanna Stefanutto
Year 7/8 PS - Job Markink
Year 9 DP - Chang Hoon (Alex) Park
Year 9 RT - Sofia Cunha
Year 10 JF - Kabelo Tolong
Year 10 IM - Stéphanie Beeby
Year 11 EM - Julia Lopes da Silva
Awards for Creativity
Bontle Moatshe and Nao Ishii
Awards for Action
Sofia Soares and Kenji Fuse
Awards for Service
Nessrin Younes and Andres Kofman
Team Award
U18 Boys Football Team (Simone Perego,
Daniel Leandro Rios, Kenji Fuse, Bruno
Marangoni, Filipe Santiago, Guilherme
Rizkallah, Liam Gakman, Andres Kofman,
Daniel Stern, Rodrgio Lyrio, Kabelo Tolong,
Leonard Herzog and Christopher Atuonah)
Awards for Academic Excellence
Year 7 - Pedro Camargo
Year 8 - Damasia Correch
Year 9 - Ana Cristina Brunner
Year 10 - Sophie Barros
Year 11 - Camila Macedo
LAHC Award for Originality and
Stephanie Geller
We love art. We love
music. We love dancing.
With this in mind, the
Junior School presented
a combined effort of all
three areas. Pupils from Y3 up to Y6
produced artwork with Miss Fontoura,
played wonderful music with Mr. Carlos
and danced to the rhythm in beautiful
choreographies with Mrs. Alonso and Ms.
Debora. Congratulations to all participants!
Mr Moss & Mr Chaim
Senior Swimming Gala
Swimming in the right direction!
On Friday June 3rd St. Nicholas held
its first ever Senior Swimming Gala at
Formula Academia. The Senior Swimming
Gala celebrated the house system and the
swimming and aquatic related activities in
the Senior curriculum.
Students swam superbly in an array of
events that included all the recognised
strokes as well as the individual medley.
Senior staff also represented their houses
competing in a “controversial decision”
for an individual medley race! London
took the staff honours again and appear
unbeatable in both the Junior and Senior
The overall sense of community, enjoyment,
and individual successes with the excellent
support and contribution by students,
teachers and staff created a remarkable
atmosphere which just reinforced what the
house spirit is all about!
Congratulation and thank you to all
involved - see more photos on SN website/
school life/sports/events.
The final results are as follow:
1st Oxford and Cambridge - 114 pts;
3rd London - 90 pts.
1st Oxford - 114.5 pts;
2nd London - 111.5 pts;
3rd Cambridge - 94 pts.
1st place Oxford - 232.5 points;
2nd place - Cambridge - 213 points;
3rd place - London - 208.5 points.
Photos by Ms. Kemp.
U15 Boys/Girls & U18 Boys Basketball
The Three MVPs
Not overlooked in the 9 games of the NBA
tournament amongst 32 schools was the
attitude and commitment of St Nicholas
players when certain games had already
gone far out of their reach. The U15 girls
were 4pts away from being in the last eight
of this Sao Paulo state sponsored NBA
Tourni- so they got agonizingly the furthest.
Furthermore what stood out was the
energy, drive and influence spent in all
games especially in defense in keeping
morale, performance levels and credibility
in check. Peter Kirsten, Bontle Moatshe and
Felipe Santiago receive the Most Valuable
Player awards in the NBA Tournament,
for all being such a major factor in all the
games played in each category.
“Sport has the power to change the world, the power to inspire, the power to unite people in
a way little else can. It speaks to you in a language you understand” - Nelson Mandela
St. Nicholas is just a month away from taking a squad of 17 girls to the USA to compete in the
Disney International Youth Soccer Tournament and the Schwans USA Cup in Minneapolis. The girls
have been training hard with a friendly against Pinheiros (losing after a 2-0 lead), fitness sessions
every Friday before school and TTF training at SPAC on Saturday mornings - nothing like early
morning starts!
Thank you to the Junior School in assisting us in our preparation. Congratulations to Julia Herzog
for gaining the captaincy, and a big mention with gratitude goes to our four sponsors who have supplied the school and girls with their
kits to travel, play and train with.
Color version
(Pantone 376C)
Here's hoping that the girls', hard work, determination, commitment, patience and
improvement bring them the results they deserve in both tournaments – see SN School
website/sports/tours for more pictures.
Black and white version
(only for monochrome usage)
International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme Year 6 Exhibition 2011
We can take action to build a sustainable future.
What real-life issues are concerns for Year 6 pupils? Many!
Narrowed down, they became the lines of inquiry for the
concluding unit of the PYP programme:
●● making responsible choices for a cleaner planet
●● cleaning and preserving the environment
●● facing reality without addictions
●● reducing and preventing crime
●● caring for and appreciating animals
●● establishing peace between countries and in the world
●● reducing poverty in the world
●● appreciating differences in the world
These are challenging concerns for eleven and twelve year olds. In
groups, with the help of various mentors across the entire school,
pupils organised visits and guest speakers to complement their
internet research and help them to answer questions such as:
●● What is the greenhouse effect and how can it affect us? Why
is it happening to the planet? How can we stop it and what has
been done?
●● How can we prevent air pollution?
●● If you had anorexia, what would happen to you? Is there a cure
for that?
●● Why do people play addictive games
that are bad for their health?
●● Why do kids commit crime? Is there a
link between education and crime? How
do we stop kids from committing crime?
●● How does animal testing affect animals? What are the
consequences of animal trafficking and how does it affect animal
●● Why are there people who want to kill themselves with a bomb?
How can we stop terrorism?
●● What were the consequences of the world wars? How was
peace achieved?
●● What is life like for someone in a favela? How can we help stop
child labour? How do we solve poverty?
●● What is the point of view of people that have witnessed racism?
What would be our responsibility to make our world equal?
Although many of these questions are difficult to answer, the Year 6
pupils admirably tried to understand and reflect on these local and
global issues and to knowledgeably communicate their findings to
members of the school community and their own families.
Congratulations and thank you to everyone who in any way
contributed to and supported the process and presentation of this
culmination to the IB- Primary Years Programme.
Think Green
Ms Vassellucci
10 Ways to Save Paper
1. Use both sides
of every piece of
Find out
how to make double
sided copies when
you photocopy. If
you have a piece of
paper that is printed
on one side only,
use the back as
rough paper before
you finally put it in the recycling box.
2. Schools and offices are some of the
worst offenders for sending out sheaves of
A4 sized single sided letters and memos
with only a couple of lines of text. Could
you send out that memo in one email? Find
ways to avoid printing!
3. Stop junk mail by contacting all your
mailing service, such as banks, credit
cards, etc and asking to have your name
removed from mailing lists.
to hospitals libraries or anywhere with a
waiting room.
5. To stop unwanted free newspapers and
9. Make notepads out of scrap paper and
use those to write your reminders such as
supermarket lists, to do list, etc.
4. Always tick the box to say that you
do not want to be sent marketing material
whenever you apply for anything by post
or online.
leaflets, you could phone the companies
concerned and put a small polite sign on
your door asking that no circulars or free
newspapers are delivered will probably be
more effective.
8. Buy books second hand or borrow
books and magazines from your local
library or maybe from your friends.
10. Think that every piece of paper you use
was a tree before! Save paper, save trees!
6. E-mail or telephone rather than send
a letter, and receive documents and
statements electronically if given the
option. Pay your bills by direct debit.
7. Old magazines will always be
accepted gratefully by many organisations
(and by your child’s school). Donate them
Festa Junina
Last day to borrow
items from the library
O PTA agradece a Maria Rosa Guerreiro, Feli
Ruiz Alonso, Lavinia Gavazzi Rodriguez,
Juliana Grave, Kika Sapiro, Patricia
Natacci, Carol Degen, Silvia Reid, Rose
Kim, Patricia Martin, Karina Saccomanno,
Liane Issler, Vaneska Pasqua, Alexandra
Lwol, Clicia Cortes, Joana Vercas e a Maria
Elisa Korte pela iniciativa que tiveram em
fazer manualmente todos os convites para
a Festa Junina. Foi "um trabalho árduo"
mas com um resultado bem diferente de
tudo o que já se fez.
The last day to borrow books, DVDs etc
from the Library will be Friday 3rd of June.
The materials must be returned by Friday
10th of June.
-------------O último dia para empréstimo de livros,
DVDs, etc, será Sexta-feira, 03 de Junho.
Os materiais deverão ser devolvidos até
Sexta-feira, 10 de Junho.
Commemorations, celebrations and events around the world
Action Committee / International Committee
15th May - This date is Teachers' Day in Korea and Mexico. In
Korea, teachers are usually presented with carnations by their
students, and both enjoy a shorter school day. In Brazil, Teachers'
Day is on October 15.
30th May - Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United
States, and is observed on the last Monday of May. This holiday
commemorates U.S. men and women who have died in military
service to their country. A Memorial Day tradition is the running
of the famous automobile race Indianapolis 500, and also the
Memorial Day Weekend Sale when stores offer discounts on the
weekend preceding the holiday.
31st May - World No Tobacco Day was created by the World
Health Organisation in 1987 to raise people’s awareness toward
the tobacco epidemic and to the preventable death and disease
it causes.
1st June - Many countries celebrate International Children’s
Day on this day, originating in the World Conference for the
Well-being of Children in Switzerland in 1925. UNESCO, on the
other hand, observes Universal Children’s Day on 20 November,
a date "to be observed as a day of worldwide fraternity and
understanding between children. It recommended that the day
was to be observed also as a day of activity devoted promoting
the ideals and objectives of the charter and the welfare of the
children of the world." Brazil celebrates children’s day on the
12th of October.
5th June - In 1972, the United Nations General Assembly
established the World Environment Day, which is hosted every
year by a different city and commemorated with an international
exposition through the week of June 5. The WED hopes to raise
political attention and public action towards the environment. This
year’s topic is "Melting Ice - A Hot Topic?," focusing on climate
changes and the effects on ice- and snowcovered areas of the
world. This year, World Environment Day is hosted by Norway.
8th June - World Ocean Day began on 8 June 1992 at the Earth
Summit in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. However, the United Nations
has not yet recognised this day as a holiday. This day is used
to celebrate the ocean and its resources, and to combat marine
pollution and over-exploitation.
12th June - World Day against Child Labour was launched
as a way to highlight the plight of working children, helping to
raise awareness and activism to prevent child labour for both
economic and military purposes.
12th June - Dia dos Namorados or "Day of the Enamored" or
"Boyfriend's/Girlfriend's Day" is celebrated in Brazil with couples
exchanging gifts such as chocolates, cards and flowers. This day
was chosen probably because it is the feast of Saint Anthony,
known as the marriage saint for whom many single women
perform rituals to find a good husband or a boyfriend. Many
countries celebrate love on 14 February in commemoration of
Saint Valentine.

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