

5 de junho 1916
4 de junho 2016
Prometheus-like, thy flame so bright.
Has brought to us a ray light
From Hahnemann's shining path, so found
It blazes wondrous realms beyond
Health, for poor groping human-kind.
A paradise on earth will find.
Dead No! Thy living law, is its seeds will sow
That good, defused, may more abundant grow.
Hail Kent!
Can anyone say "Kent is dead!" Kent is laid away amid the
snowcapped mountains of Montana!
Kent never the died! The earthly shrine of his immortal mind
returns to dust amid the western mountains-Kent still lives.
Kent's influence still shines as a burning torch to reveal truth.
An appreciation. A. Eugene Austin
Robert Ellis Dudgeon – MM Pura
2. Louis H. Tafel – Doenças Crônicas
3. Timothy Field Allen.
Tradutores de Hahnemann
36 Es ist ihr so still im Kopfe und alles so leer
umher, als wenn sie allein im Hause und in
der Welt wäre; sie mochte mit Niemanden
sprechen, gleich als wenn die Umgebungen
ihr nichts angingen und sie zu Niemand
◦ Her head is so quiet and all about her is so empty
as if she were alone in the house and in the world;
she does not wish to talk to any one, just as if all
around her were no concern of hers and she
belonged to nobody.
◦ It seems so quiet in her head and everything feels
so empty that she seems alone in the house and in
the world; she will speak to no one, just as if her
surroundings did not exist, and she paid attention
to no one.
Pulsatilla - Sintoma 36
Mürrisches Wesen, was alles verachtet, und
will, daß auch andre nichts achten und
schätzen sollen.
◦ Sulky humour, that despises everything, and he
desires that others also should not esteem or
care for anything. (Dudgeon).
◦ *Morose mood that scorns everything, and
desires also that others shall not appreciate or
value anything. (Allen’s Enciclopedia) (Hering’s
Guiding Symptoms).
Ipeca – sintoma 135
Er ist mit sich selbst uneinig und
muthlos (MMP)
◦ He is discontented with himself and depressed in
spirits. (Dudgeon)
Muthlos und mit sich selbst uneinig
◦ Discouraged and at odds with himself (Tafel)
◦ Discouraged, and out of humor with himself,
MMP e DC (Sintoma 20)
Hahnemann e o Repertório
Jahr – Repertory and Symptom
Por que Bönninghausen é
considerado o pai do repertório?
O primeiro repertório em Inglês
 Mind and disposition
includes especially works
of Hering and Jahr on this
Edmund Jennings Lee
10 de Abril de 1835
Primeira Escola de Homeopatia do mundo
Constantine Hering
31 março 1849-5 junho 1916
1 minute de Silêncio
James Tyler Kent nasceu
em 31 de Março de 1849
 Em Woodhull, New York,
 Filho de Steven Kent e
Caroline Tyler
 Kent foi criado como um
Batista dedicado.
Woodhull, New York
Fez o secundário na Franklin Academy
of Prattsburgh, New York
Depois estudou na Madison University
(today's Colgate University), onde obteve o
baharelato em 1868.
Adquiriu o grau de Mestre em 1870 na
mesma instituição.
Colgate University is a private liberal arts college
founded in 1819 as a Baptist seminary before
becoming non-denominational. Located on a 515
acre campus in Central New York and widely
regarded as one of the most beautiful schools in the
country, Colgate attracts some of the best students
from home and abroad. Originally founded by 13
men with 13 dollars and 13 prayers, the number is
considered lucky among students.
Colgate University
Frequentou o Institute of Eclectic Medicine
at Cincinnati, Ohio,
 Graduou-se em 1873.
Kent iniciou a prática
médica em 1874, com 26
anos de idade, em St.
Louis, Missouri.
 Casou-se com Ellen e
estabeleceu uma prática
médica eclética.
 Ellen faleceu logo depois
aos 19 anos de idade.
In 1878, Lucy, sua segunda esposa ficou
◦ Apesar dos sintomas de neurastenia, insonia e
anemia terem sido tratados por médicos ortodoxos
e ecléticos, sua condição se deteriorav e estava
acamada por meses.
◦ A pedido dela, Kent consultou Dr Richard Phelan,
médico homeopata que foi chamado para atendêla.
◦ Após a prescrição ela teve uma recuperação
dramática. Como resultado Kent foi estudar com Dr.
Phelan e mudou do ecletismo para homaopatia. y[3]
Foi nesta época que Kent se tornou um
fervoroso adepto dos preceitos da
In 1881, Kent aceitou
o cargo de professor
de anatomia no the
Homeopathic College
of Missouri,
instituição em que
permaneceu afiliado
até 1888.
 Neste período morre
sua segunda esposa.
Em 1890, Kent
mudou-se para
to Pennsylvania para
assumir o posto de
“dean” no colegiado
de professores
Professors at the
Medical School of
 Permaneceu até
Female Medical College of Pennsylvania
& Homeopathic Medical College of
Pennsylvania 229 Arch Street Philadelphia - 1850
Clara Louis Tobey um
alopata que se tornou
homeopata foi tratada por
Kent e depois se tornou sua
esposa e o ajudou a
completar suas obras.
Clara Louise Kent (1911)
Dr. Francisco Eizayaga and his
wife, Berta, in 1991, outside the
house in which James Tyler Kent
lived in Evanston, Illinois.
In 1897 Kent publicou sua seu magnum
Repertory of the Homœopathic Materia
Kent editou the Journal of
Homeopathics from 1897 to 1903,
producing seven volumes of the journal.[4]
Kent mudou-se para
Chicago in 1903.
 Ensinou no
Medical College até
 Em 1909 tornou-se
professsor e
catedrático no
Hering Medical
College and
Hospital, Chicago.[2]
File:History of the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania - the
Hahnemann Medical College and and Hospital of Philadelphia (1898)
Em Novembro de 1910, Kent estabeleceu
the Society of Homeopathicians como
meio de disseminar os princípios da
Homeopatia Hahnemanniana.
 O grupo publicou seu próprio jornal: The
This course of lectures on the Homeopathic Materia Medica was delivered at the Post-Graduate School of
Homeopathies. Some of them have appeared in the JOURNAL OF HOMEOPATHIES, but for this work they
have been extensively revised. Owing to the strong appeals of students, though against the author's
inclination, the colloquial style has been permitted to stand. The lectures are presented in the simple form
to explain the author's plan of studying each remedy. The speech of laymen presents all sickness to the
physician's mind, hence the Materia Medica must be reduced from' technicalities to simple speech. No two
remedies are studied exactly alike. Each has its own requirement in order to bring before the mind what is
characteristic. Not all of the Materia Medica has been brought out, but the leading and fully proved
remedies such as have strong characteristics have been presented for the purpose of showing how the
Materia Medica must be evolved and used. There are other methods of studying a remedy, but this seems
to the author the most natural way of giving to the student a lasting idea of the nature of each remedy. It
may be that it seems so because it is the only way the author could ever do it. The numerous repetitions of
characteristic symptoms may subject the work to criticism, but experience has shown that it is the only way
of giving the beginner a lasting grasp of the remedy.
Hahnemann's Materia Medica Pura, Hering's Guiding Symptoms, and the Encyclopaedia of Pure Materia
Medica have been the works that have given the most help in these studies.
They are not offered as being complete digests of the various remedies, but simply as the examinations of
some of the most salient points. A complete digest would be endless. If some of the younger practitioners
and students of the Materia Medica shall meet the assistance in this work they have been looking for, it is
all that can be expected. There is no royal road to a perfect understanding of the Materia Medica. It is
tedious and drudgery at best, but no more so than any great science. Because of its greatness, many will
fail to undertake it even when it is for the saving of life and lessening of suffering, yet many will not decline
to offer their services to the people knowing full well and confessing ignorance openly that the methods
they offer are inadequate, useless, and often destructive. Some profess not to believe in this careful way of
analyzing the symptomatology, but if some easy method is offered for a pretended mastery of it .they
wildly embrace it only to return to their primitive repulsive mental aversion crying out "sour grapes."
The Materia Medica can be learned by careful study and by using it. It can be understood but not
memorized. All who would memorize the Materia Medica must ignominiously fail. To be constantly at hand,
it must be constantly and correctly used. The continuous study of the Materia Medica by the aid of a full
repertory for comparison is the only means of continuing in a good working knowledge. To learn the Materia
Medica, one must master Hahnemann's Organon, after which the symptomatology and the Organon go
"hand in hand." The Organon, the symptomatology, and a full repertory must be the constant reference
books, if careful homeopathic prescribing is to be attained and maintained.
All who wish to make a more extensive examination of the reason for the methods used in the work are
referred to the chapter on VALUE OF SYMPTOMS in the Lectures on HOMEOPATHIC PHILOSOPHY.
OCTOBER 29, 1904.
These lectures were first published because of the numerous requests from
pupils who had listened to them in classroom. Now comes a demand for a
second editing which preserves its original colloquial style which was used by
the lecturer in the classroom. Many remedies have been added and the whole
work has been revised. Many remedies are in a new and later form of
presentation. While the "symptom list" is a most important form in the
homeopathic Materia Medica, yet it is hard to grasp the idea of the remedy
from that form when it is listened to by students. The author has adopted a
QUASI clinical method of stating and grouping symptoms in a manner to bring
out an image of each remedy. This is done in order that pupils may
UNDERSTAND a remedy as a whole and in parts rather than tire the memory
which is always overworked in a medical college. The "symptom list" will
always remain the best form for a reference text, but it has been observed by
long teaching that many pupils who fail to grasp the remedy from the list learn
the Materia Medica well in the QUASI clinical and colloquial form.
If these lectures shall enable some practitioners to more fully comprehend our
polychrests then all that has been hoped for has been gained. It is believed
that the human mind is only able to hold a general image of each remedy. A
specific consideration such as is often demanded in the management of a
complex group of symptoms either in the office or at the bedside MUST
SEPTEMBER 1, 1911.
Through familiarity with Swedenborg, I have found the
correspondences wrought out from the Word of God
harmonious with all I have learned in the past thirty
 Familiarity with them aids in determining the effect of
 You cannot handle suppressed conditions without this
 You have wondered at the work I have done.
 The work you have seen in my practice differs from that
of others because of this knowledge.
 Those who do not have it, blunder and destroy the lives
of human beings because they do not know what is
taking place.
 Correspondences are only the outgrowth of
TRS=Transactions of the Society of Homeopathicians 1911
Doctrine of Correspondences
Compilar tudo que continha nos
repertórios disponíveis.
2. Acrescentar as notas que ele fizera ao
longo dos anos.
3. Adicionar sintomas e medicamentos das
matérias médicas.
4. Acrescentar apenas os sintomas clínicos
que forem consistentes com os
1. Conferir as adições dos itens 1-4
O plano original de Kent
Dor e tipos de dor
 A dor ou a sensação dolorosa ocorre em mais de 20% dos
sintomas da enciclopedia de Allen.
 Para caracterizar a dor é necessário levar em conta sua
localização, seu tipo, forma de aparecimento e desaparecimento,
duração, se estende para outro local e que características toma
no outro local e as suas modalidades horárias e de agravação e
Modalidades e concomitantes da dor
 Oppression; restlessness; anxiety; fear; want of confidence;
fretfulness; mental depression; discontent; quarreling; scolding;
swearing; weeping; moaning; sighing; over sensitiveness; driven
to despair; hopeless; delirium; madness; rage; sensitive to
touch; great debility.
 Pains, alternating with chill, with pain in heart, with mental and
bodily symptoms.
 Disturbed circulation; fainting; formication; coldness; rigor;
wants to be covered; heat, sweat; nausea; thirst; weakness;
drowsiness; convulsive shocks; trembling; dyspnea; difficult
breathing; unconsciousness.
 Has to lie down, keep quiet; driven out of bed; immobility;
numbness; swellings.
Dor e Tipos de Dor
ACHING — Dolorida. Dor contínua. Continuada: a
dull, sustained, persistent, steady pain dull = not
intensely felt. If you ache or if a part of your
body aches, you feel a dull continous pain.
 BEARING-DOWN — Puxando para baixo: Means
to push or press downward with a lot of steady
 BEATING — Batimento, pulsátil: a throbbing or
pulsation,as of the heart.
 BENUMBING, numbing — Entorpecente: to make
inactive; dull. to make numb especially by cold.
Unable to feel pain or other physical sensation.
Prevents you from feeling pain.
 BITING — Mordente: to cut, grip, or tear with or
as if with the teeth. stinging sensation.
 Etc…
89 Tipos de Dor
1a. Ed. – 1899 2a. Ed. - 1908
by Dr. Diwan Harish Chand
(Author), M.D. Dr. Pierre
Schmidt (Editor)
Final General
A partir da
3a ed. Kent