td - recuperao - 1o ano - Colégio Estadual Liceu de Maracanaú


td - recuperao - 1o ano - Colégio Estadual Liceu de Maracanaú
TURMA: A, B, C, D, E, F, G,H, I e J
the other side, a poor citizen of the Earth (Matt
Damon) attempts a daring plan to bring back
equality between people.
Matt Damon as Max Jodie Foster as Secretary
Delacourt Alice Braga as Frey Santiago Wagner
Moura as Spider Sharlto Copley as Kruger Diego
Luna as Julio William Fichtner as CEO Armadyne
Emma Tremblay as Matilda Santiago Faran Tahir
as President Patel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Elysium is an American science fiction film
written and directed by Neill Blomkamp. The film
stars Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Wagner Moura,
Sharlto Copley, Carly Pope and Alice Braga. He
was released on August 9, 2013 in American
theaters, and on September 20, 2013 in Brasilian.
Elysium is a co-production of Media Rights
Capital and TriStar Pictures.
The film takes place on both a ravaged Earth and
a luxurious space habitat called Elysium. It
explores political and sociological themes such as
immigration, overpopulation, transhumanism,
health care, exploitation and class issues.
In 2154, two classes of people exist: the very
wealthy, who live on a luxurious space station
called Elysium and the poor, who live on an
overpopulated, devastated Earth. While residents
on Earth are policed by ruthless robots, Elysian
citizens live in comfort and regularly use mansized medical devices called Med-Bays to keep
them free of disease and injury. The government
secretary Delacourt (Jodie Foster) does everything
to preserve the luxurious lifestyle of Elysium, on
1 – O gênero do filme Elysium é:
a. ação
b. romance
c. ficção científica
d. drama
e. comédia
2 – Grande ator brasileiro que faz parte do elenco
do filme é:
a. Antonio Fagundes
b. Lázaro Ramos
c. Wagner Moura
d. Matt Damon
e. Diego Luna
3 – O filme trata de alguns assuntos sociais,
a. superpopulação
b. imigração
c. tráfico de pessoas
d. problemas de classes
e. exploração humana
4 – Em 2154 haviam dois lugares para habitar que
a. a Terra e Marte
b. a Terra e a Lua
c. Elysium e Marte
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d. a Terra e Elysium
e. Elysium e a Lua
5 – De acordo com o resumo do texto, o ator
protagonista da história procura principalmente:
a. apenas uma cidadania em Elysium
b. curar-se de uma doença
c. casar-se em Elysium
d. igualdade de condições de vida entre os
habitantes da Terra e os de Elysium
e. acabar com Elysium
Halloween is a holiday in some English-speaking
countries which is celebrated on the night of
October 31st. In the USA, as well as in other
countries, children wear costumes and go to
people's homes saying "Trick or treat!" to ask for
candy, which is called sweets in the United
Kingdom; that way, people traditionally give it to
them. This practice originally involved a threat. A
threat is when someone says that they will do
something bad to you if they do not get what they
want. In this case, the threat could be explained
as: "Give me a treat or I will play a trick on you."
Children today usually do not play tricks if they
do not get treats. However, some children still get
up to mischief (pranks or things to make fun of
people; like putting toilet paper in trees; writing
on windows with soap or throwing eggs at
people's houses). People sometimes dress up as
ghosts, witches, goblins and other scary things for
Halloween. In Brazil, this day is often celebrated
in schools or tv programs for children.
6 – O Halloween é um holiday comemorado:
a. em todos os países que falam Inglês
b. em países que não falam Inglês
c. apenas em países latinos como o Brasil
d. em alguns países que falam Inglês e alguns
e. apenas nos Estados Unidos
7 – Holiday é uma palavra que significa:
a. manifestação
b. reunião de partidária
c. religião
d. feriado
e. culto
8 – Qual o significado de “Children wear
a. crianças vestem fantasias
b. crianças usam fantasias
c. crianças fazem fantasias
d. crianças pintam fantasias
e. crianças enfeitam fantasias
9 – Nesse dia uma tradição importante é:
give sweets to children and teens
don’t give sweets to children
children ask: “trick or treat!”
don’t like this kidding
call the police for children
10 – “Trick or treat”:
a. gostosura ou travessura
b. doces ou salgados
c. vivo ou morto
d. trinca ou entorta
e. seco ou molhado
*The wife of your uncle________
*The female partner in a marriage______
*The brother of one of your parent______
*The wife of your grandfather________
11- Qual dos itens corresponde aos vocábulos que
respondem as frases acima?
a- Aunt, wife, uncle, grandmother.
b- Wife, aunt, uncle, father.
c- Sister-in-law, husband, son.
d- Brother, mother, father, sister.
e- Stepson, son, uncle, wife.
12- Procure no texto os vocábulos de família e
escolha a opção correta.
There are 10 brothers and 8 sisters. My oldest
brother is 22 years old and my youngest sister is 6
e-mail: [email protected]
Rua Oriente S/N – Piratininga – Maracanaú-Ce
Fone/ Fax : (85)3101-2888
months old. My mom and dad and one of my
granddads live in our house. I have one sister-inlaw, too, who also lives with us. There are two
sets of twins; Simon and Sam are older than I am,
and Sarah and Sasha are younger.
sunset! It___Kuta Beach in Bali. I___here for a
few days. It___hot and sunny like it___every day
here. The food___great – lots of fish and seafood.
But the waves___the best thing of all. They___up
to 3 meters high. And you, guys? ___you OK?
Please, send me news asap. Guto.
a- Brother, son, mom, dad, sister, young.
a-Is, is, are, am, are, is, are, am, am, is.
b- Brother, sister, mom, dad, granddad, sister-inlaw.
b- Am, am, is, am, is, is, is, are, are, are.
c- Brother, sister, months, Sarah, Sasha, sets.
c- Is, is, are, are, are, is, am, am, is, am.
d- Mom, too, brother, sister, granddad, sister-inlaw.
d- Am, am, is, is, is, are, are, is, are, them.
e- He, she, am, them, they, am, is, are, is, am.
e- Brother, sister, Sasha, Sarah, twins, Sam.
15- Leia o texto e escolha a alternativa que tenha
todos os cognatos verdadeiros.
*My name__Jo.
* Carla and Raquel___ lot of talent.
* There____fantastic architecture in Brasília.
*Brazil___a population of around 190,000,000.
*The government___discussing the possibility
of fiscal reform.
13- Dentre as sentenças qual delas responde as
frases acima?
a- Is, has, are, have, is.
b- Have, has, is, are, am.
c- Is, have, is, has, is.
d- Am, are, have, is, has.
My friend is Australian, but she has an unusual
name for an Australian girl – Gabriela. Gabi’s
father is Australian, but he married a Brazilian
woman. Gabriela studies at a university in Sidney.
When she graduates, she wants to work as a
tourist guide. She lives in a huge house with her
parents and her two sisters. Our weekends, Gabi
goes to the beach or the Blue Mountains. These
are the famous mountains about an hour from
Sydney. Gabi likes scary movies and horses. She
is saving money to travel to Brazil on her next
vacation. She wants to visit her relatives here. She
also wants to visit beaches and national parks. She
wants to eat typical Brazilian food and see a
Carnival parade.
a- Australian, name, Brazilian, university, Sidney,
graduates, tourist, famous, hour, Brazil, visit,
national, parks, typical, Carnival, studies, movies .
e- Are, am, has, is, have.
14- Complete os espaços e responda a alternativa
b- Parents, relatives, Australian, name, university,
Sidney, graduates, tourist, famous, hour, Brazil,
visit, national, parks, typical, Carnival.
Guess where I___? Look at the Picture I
___attaching to this e-mail! What a beautiful
c- Unusual, relatives, parents, Australian, name,
Brazilian, Australian, name, Brazilian, university,
e-mail: [email protected]
Rua Oriente S/N – Piratininga – Maracanaú-Ce
Fone/ Fax : (85)3101-2888
Sidney, graduates, tourist, famous, hour, Brazil,
visit, national, parks, typical, Carnival.
ideia escolha a alternativa correta. Qual delas são
substantivos contáveis?
d- Australian, name, Brazilian, university, Sidney,
graduates, tourist, famous, hour, Brazil, visit,
national, parks, typical, Carnival.
a- Advice, information, help, work, traffic, book.
e- Australian, name, Brazilian, university, Sidney,
graduates, tourist, famous, hour, Brazil, visit,
national, parks, typical, Carnival, guide.
c- Student, apple, book, level, citizen, skill.
b- Courage, air, bread, money, cheese, oil.
d- Music, love, furniture, paper, meal, hotel.
e- People, train, room, father, mother, soda.
16- Identifique os falsos cognatos e escolha a
opção certa.
a- Collar, pretend, lunch, actually, fabric, terrific.
b- Barracks, legends, enroll, faults, relatives, days.
c- Tents, possible, frequency, really, school,
d- Time, hotel, social, data, factory, exercise.
e- Pink, reason, similar, mountain, love, phone.
17- Os substantivos incontáveis frequentemente
indicam: substâncias, qualidades humanas,
atividades e ideias abstratas, nesse contexto Qual
das alternativas são substantivos incontáveis.
a- Water, juice, honesty, happiness, freedom,
b- Apple, activity, year, education, sugar, money.
c- Onion, cake, bread, milk, butter, test.
d- Girl, color, hand, paper, happy, food.
e- Work, advice, coffee, orange, watermelon, car.
18- Os substantivos contáveis podem ser usados
tanto no singular quanto no plural. Dentro desta
19. Definidas pelos países membros da
Organização das Nações Unidas e por
organizações internacionais, as metas de
desenvolvimento do milênio envolvem oito
objetivos a serem alcançados até 2015. Apesar da
diversidade cultural, esses objetivos, mostrados na
imagem, são comuns ao mundo todo, sendo dois
a- O combate à AIDS e a melhoria do ensino
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b- A redução da mortalidade adulta e a criação de
parcerias globais.
c- Divulgar às pessoas a possibilidade de
receberem um cartão-postal da Antártica.
c- A promoção da igualdade de gêneros e a
erradicação da pobreza.
d- Solicitar que as pessoas visitem o site do
mencionado projeto com maior frequência.
d- A parceria global para o desenvolvimento e a
valorização das crianças.
e- convidar colecionadores de cartões-postais a se
reunirem em um evento.
e- A garantia da sustentabilidade ambiental e o
combate ao trabalho infantil.
20. Send us a postcard in an envelope with your
name, your address, a postcard stamp, and what
you would like to know about the ANDRILL
project, or a question you have about Antarctica,
and we’ll send a postcard to you from the ice!
Os cartões-postais costumam ser utilizados por
viajantes que desejam enviar notícias dos lugares
que visitam a parentes e amigos. Publicado no site
do projeto ANDRILL, o texto em formato de
cartão-postal tem o propósito de:
a- Comunicar o endereço da nova sede do projeto
nos Estados Unidos.
b- Anuncia uma nova coleção de selos para
angariar fundos para a Antártica.
e-mail: [email protected]
Rua Oriente S/N – Piratininga – Maracanaú-Ce
Fone/ Fax : (85)3101-2888