colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo


colégio xix de março - colegio xix março / caro objetivo
excelência em educação
Valor da Prova:
90 pontos
Assinatura do responsável:
Orientações gerais:
1) Número de questões desta prova: 10
2) Provas feitas a lápis ou com uso de corretivo não têm direito à revisão.
3) Aluno que usar de meio ilícito na realização desta prova terá nota zerada e
conceituação comprometida.
The Taylors
The Taylors are a typical American family. Mr. Henry Taylor is the father. He is a lawyer. He
is 41. Mrs. Allison is the mother. She is a housewife. She is 39. Henry and Allison have got two
children. Jason is the son and Emily is the daughter. Jason is 8 and Emily is 12. They are tall and
They live in a big house. There is a large garden in front of the house. There is a high tree
in the garden. There is a swimming pool behind the house.
They have got a small brown dog. Mr. Taylor has got a good and comfortable car. It’s blue.
They have got a happy life!
1ª Questão: Sobre o texto, faça o que se pede:
a) Copie duas profissões e traduza.
b) Escreva por extenso, em Inglês, todos os números.
c) Copie quatro adjetivos e traduza.
d) Copie uma frase que tenha a preposição “atrás”.
e) Passe a frase que você copiou na letra “d” para a negativa e interrogativa.
2ª Questão: Responda às perguntas, de acordo com o texto, usando short answers.
a) Is Mr. Henry the father? _______________________________________________
b) Is Mrs. Allison a lawyer? _______________________________________________
c) Is Emily 12 years old? _________________________________________________
d) Is there a large garden in front of the house? _______________________________
e) Have they got a brown dog? _____________________________________________
f) Has Mr. Taylor got a bad car? ____________________________________________
g) Are Emily and Jason tall? ________________________________________________
Prova Final / Inglês / Debora / 6º / pág : 1
3ª Questão: Complete as frases com o verbo to be. Em seguida, escreva-as na negativa e na
a) He ______ my brother.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
b) Giraffes _____ very tall.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
c) We ______ years old.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
d) Rex ______ a lovely dog.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
e) I ________ a dentist.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
f) Susan ________ an intelligent student.
Neg.: ___________________________________________________
Int.: ____________________________________________________
4ª Questão: Substitua os nomes sublinhados por pronomes pessoais:
a) Peter has got a dog .
b) The cats are brown.
c) The elephant is a big animal.
__________ ______________________________________________
d) Bill and Jane are brother and sister.
e) My mother and I have got blue eyes.
________________ _________________________________________
f) My house has got a big garden.
g) Sarah and you are very tall.
Prova Final / Inglês / Debora / 6º / pág : 2
h) Mayra and you are best friends.
5ª Questão: Complete as frases com os pronomes demonstrativos this, these, that ou those.
a) ____________ is Alan’s house.
b) ___________ are mobile phones.
c) _________ are Jame's new CDs.
d) _________ is a beautiful flower.
e) __________ is my mp3 player.
f) __________ are Bob’s watches.
6ª Questão: Where's the ball? Escolha in, on, under, in front of, behind, beside ou between
para completar as frases.
The ball is _____________ the box.
The ball is _____________ the box.
Prova Final / Inglês / Debora / 6º / pág : 3
The ball is _____________ the box.
The ball is _____________ the box.
The ball is _____________ the box and the bear.
The ball is _____________ the box.
The ball is _____________ the box.
7ª Questão: Passe as frases para o plural:
a) The parrot is on the pig. _________________________________________________
b) The butterfly is on the ox. _______________________________________________
c) The turkey is under the tree. _____________________________________________
d) The sheep is beside the cow. ______________________________________________
e) My tooth is clean. _______________________________________________________
f) I jumped over the leaf. ___________________________________________________
g) They played games with other child. _________________________________________
8ª Questão: Complete as frases com HAVE GOT ou HAS GOT e reescreva-as na forma negativa
(N) ou na forma interrogativa (I), conforme o pedido.
a) I _______________ a sister.
Neg.: _______________________________________
b) She ______________ two cousins.
Int.: ________________________________________
Prova Final / Inglês / Debora / 6º / pág : 4
c) We ______________ a new car.
Int.: ________________________________________
d) The mouse _____________ some good cheese.
Neg.: ________________________________________
e) The kids _______________ nice toys.
Int.: ________________________________________
9ª Questão: Leia o texto e responda às perguntas:
Dear Sally
It’s eleven o’clock. It’s hot today. I am at school. Classes start at one o’ clock. I am having
I love my school. There are 26 students in my class. My classmates are nice and talkative.
My best friend at school is Mary. She is not tall, she is thin and she has got a long black
hair. She is Japanese.
After this class, I ‘m going to Mary’s house. We are going to study Science.
Are you fine? I hope so. Write soon.
Love, Rose
a) What time is it?
b) Where is Rose?
c) Are the students boring?
d) What are they going to study?
e) How many students are there in the class?
f) Is it cold today?
g) What time do the classes start?
10ª Questão: Escolha, em cada caso, a opção correta para completar cada frase.
- some ou any
a) Are there ___________ letters for me?
b) There are ___________ beautiful flowers in the garden.
c) “Would you like ___________ coffee?” “yes, please”.
d) Carol has not got __________ free time.
- any ou no
a) There aren’t ___________ good hotels here.
b) There are _____________ buses today.
c) My brother is married but he has got ___________ children.
d) He hasn’t got __________ money.
Prova Final / Inglês / Debora / 6º / pág : 5

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