Bibliografia - ICOM


Bibliografia - ICOM
27 e 28 de Abril de 2009
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian (Sala 1)
Museus e Turismo:
Antagonistas ou parceiros? Competidores ou colaboradores?
Ashworth, G.J. and Dietworst, A. (eds) 1995. Tourism and spatial transformation: Implications
for policy and planning. CABI Publications, Wallingford.
Ballart Hernández, J. et al. (2001). Gestión del patrimonio cultural. Ariel, Barcelona.
Baltazar, H. (2008). Os turistas no Museu: (dis) ou indispensáveis. O caso do Museu de Alberto
Sampaio em Guimarães. Tese de mestrado disponível em
Barros, J. da Cunha (2004). A projecção do quotidiano no turismo e no lazer. Lisboa,
Boniface, P. and Fowler, P. (1993). Heritage and Tourism in the “Global Village”. Routledge,
Boylan, P. (ed) 1992. Museums 2000: Politics, people, professionals and profit. Museums
Association in conjunction with Routledge, London.
Butler, R., Hall, C.M. and Jenkins, J. (1998). Tourism and recreation in rural areas. Chichester,
John Wiley & Sons.
Cunha, L. (2003). Introdução ao Turismo. Editorial Verbo, Lisboa.
Fonseca, M.A. (2005). Espaço, políticas de turismo e competitividade. EDUFRN, Natal.
Fonseca, M. L. (coord.) 2006. Desenvolvimento e território: espaços rurais pósagrícolas e
novos lugares de turismo e lazer. Centro de Estudos Geográficos, Lisboa.
Gonçalves, A. (2003). “O património cultural nas cidades como oferta complementar ao produto
‘sol e praia’ no Algarve”. Na colecção Temas de Turismo, editada pelo Instituto de
Financiamento e Apoio ao Turismo e pelo GEPE/Ministério da Economia.
Gonçalves, A. (2005). “O Algarve: A interpretação do seu património arqueológico e o turismo”.
In Revista dos algarves, nº 13, pp.15-22 (ISSN: 0873-7347).
Gonçalves, A. (2005). “O desenvolvimento sustentado da relação entre os Museus e o Turismo
no caso do Algarve”. Encontros alcultur, disponível em:, Junho de 2006.
Gonçalves, A. (2005). “Turismo Cultural, um complemento ao sol e praia”. In Revista de
Turismo e Desenvolvimento, vol. II, nº 2, pp.45-60.
Gonçalves, A. (2006). “Museus, Turismo e Comunidade Local”. In Actas do I Congresso
Internacional de Turismo Cultural, Territórios e Identidades, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, ed.
Projecto de Investigação Identidades e Diversidades do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria.
Gonçalves, A. (2007). “Managing Cultural Attractions and Tourism – The relationship between
Tourism, Museums and Local Communities”. In Proceedings of the IASK Global Management
Conference- Global Management 2007 (International Association for the Scientific Knowledge).
Gonçalves, A. (2008). “As comunidades criativas, a cultura e o turismo”. In Revista dos
algarves, ESGHT/UALG.
Hall, C.M. and McArthur, S. (1998). Integrated Heritage Management. The Stationary Office,
Hall, D. and Richards, G. (2003). Tourism and Sustainable Community Development.
Henriques, C. (2003). Turismo, cidade e cultura. Planeamento e gestão sustentável. Edições
Sílabo, Lisboa.
Holloway, J.C. and Robinson, C. (1995). Marketing for tourism. Third Edition, Longman, Harlow.
Kavanagh, G. (ed) 1994. Museum provision and professionalism. Routledge, London.
Lanfant, M.F., Allcock, J.B. and Bruner, E.M. (eds) 1995. International Tourism: Identity and
change. Sage Publications, London.
Larsen, K. (ed) 1995. Proceedings of the Nara Conference on authenticity in relation to the
World Heritage Convention. UNESCO World Heritage Centre (France), Agency for Cultural
Affairs (Japan), ICCROM (Italy) and ICOMOS (France).
Leask, A. and Fyall, A. (2006). Managing World Heritage Sites. Butterworh-Heinemann.
McKercher, B. and duCros, H. (2002). Cultural tourism: The partnership between tourism and
cultural heritage management. The Haworth Hospitality Press, Inc., New York, London, Oxford.
Medeiros, C.A. (coord.): Geografia de Portugal. Actividades Económicas e Espaço Geográfico
(vol. 3). Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, Lisboa.
Peacock, A. (ed) 1990. Does the past have a future? The political economy of heritage. The
Institute of Economic Affairs, London.
Portela, J. e Caldas, J.C. (orgs.) 2003. Portugal Chão. Celta Editora, Lisboa.
Richards, G. (ed) 1996. Cultural tourism in Europe. CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Robinson, M., Evans, N. and Callaghan, P. (eds) 1996. Tourism and culture: Image, identity and
marketing. The Centre for Travel and Tourism/British Education Publishers, Sunderland, UK.
Robinson, M., Evans, N., Long, P., Sharpley, R. and Swarbrooke, J. (eds) 2000. Reflections of
international tourism. Tourism and heritage relationships: Global, national and local
perspectives. Centre for Travel and Tourism and Business Education Publishers, Ltd.,
Rojek, C. and Urry, J. (eds) 1997. Touring cultures: Transformations of travel and theory.
Routledge, London.
Santos, G., Vieira, R. e Mendes, M. (eds.) 2006. Actas do Congresso de Turismo Cultural,
Território e Identidades. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Leiria.
Seaton, A.V. (ed) 1994. Tourism: State of the Art. John Wiley and Sons, Chichester.
Seaton, T.V. and Bennett, M.M. (1996). The marketing of tourism products: Concepts, issues
and cases. International Thompson Business Press, Boston.
Shackley, M. (ed) 1998. Visitor Management: Case studies from World Heritage sites.
Butterworth-Heinemann, London.
Singh, S., Timothy, D.J. and Dowling, R.S. (2003). Tourism in Destination Communities. CABI
Smith, M.K. and Robinson, M. (2006). Cultural Tourism in a Changing World: Politics,
Participation and (re)presentation. Channel View Publications
Swarbrooke, J. (1995). The development and management of visitor attractions. ButterworthHeinemann, Oxford.
Theobald, W.F. (ed) 1994. Global tourism: the next decade. Butterworth-Heinemann,
Uzzell, D. and Ballantyne, R. (eds) 1998. Contemporary issues in heritage and environmental
interpretation. The Stationary Office, London.
Van Borg, J. and Russo, A.P. (eds) 1998. Tourism management in heritage sites. UNESCO,
Well, P. (ed) 1996. Keys to the marketplace: Problems and issues in cultural and heritage
tourism. Hisarlick Press, Middlesex, UK.
Annals of Tourism Research
International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
Journal of Hospitality and Leisure Marketing
Journal of Sustainable Tourism [Número especial sobre colaboração e parcerias: 1999, 7 (3/4)]
Journal of Tourism Studies
Journal of Travel Research
Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing
Leisure Sciences
Tourism Culture and Communications
Tourism Management
EUROPANOSTRA (2006). The Malta Declaration on Cultural Tourism: its encouragement and
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ICOM (2000). Proposal for a charter of principles for museums and cultural tourism.
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ICOM (2006). Phnom Penh-Vientiane Charter on Cultural Diversity and Heritage Tourism.
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ICOM and The World Federation of Friends of Museums (2007). Declaration for worldwide
sustainable cultural tourism.
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ICOMOS (1999). International Charter on Cultural Tourism.
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World Tourism Organization (1999). Code of Ethics for Tourism.
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World Tourism Organization (2005). The responsible tourist and traveller.
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ATLAS – European Association for Tourism and Leisure Education
CTCC - Centre for Tourism and Cultural Change
TRAM –Tourism Research and Marketing
Turismo Cultural
Turismo de Lisboa
Turismo de Portugal
World Tourism Organization

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