Time Machine Adventure: Anni and Fred at the


Time Machine Adventure: Anni and Fred at the
 ABENTEUER ZEITMASCHINE: ANNI UND FRED BEI DEN RITTERN (CD‐ROM) Time Machine Adventure: Anni and Fred at the Knights
The Web Production team of highly professional concept writers, designers, animators, sound technicians and programmers produces a wide range of games with high quality content. We develop educational games for children that make the educational learning simple and enjoyable. Whether designed to build curriculum and problem‐solving skills, to improve school results, or to provide just pure fun: TWP products create unique worlds of interactive discovery for kids! It is the second title out of the Time Machine Adventure
series. Two best friends - Anni and Fred - set out in search of
new adventures by means of their magic time machine!
This time the kids land in the Middle Ages...
Good grief! The time machine gets broken on landing, now
the player has to help Anni and Fred replace the missed
spare parts. For that he should meet many medieval persons
(knights, ladies, servants), become acquainted with them,
disclose a lot of interesting things and win several exciting
It’s not only an adventure game, but also an “edutainment”
one: while playing children get a lot of useful information,
historical facts etc. which relate to the certain historical
period, presented in the title.
The game was produced by The Web Production.
Our Electronic Games • Nussknacker: CD‐Rom zum Mathe‐Übungsheft Klasse 1, 2, 3, 4 • Freddy Vampirisch Gute Noten Mathematik: Klasse 1, 2, 3, 4 • Lernerfolg Grundschule Englisch: Klasse 1‐4 • Wochenplan Mathematik: „Trainingskurs mit Software“: Klasse 1, 2, 3, 4 • Colour Land: Englisch für Klasse 3, Klasse 4 • Blitzrechnen Mathematik: Klasse 1/2, Klasse 3/4 • Die Biene Maja: “Das große Gewitter”, “Eine tolle Überraschung” , “Wer hilft Willi?” • Wickie und die starken Männer: „Die Mutprobe”, „Ein schlauer Plan“ • Lauras Stern: “Die CD‐ROM zum Film”, “Lauras Sternenreise”, „Laura geht in die Schule“ • Die CD‐ROM mit der Maus 2, Die CD‐ROM mit der Maus 3 • Felix: „Wundersame Reise Durch die Zeit – 1“, „Wundersame Reise Durch die Zeit – 2“ • TKKG 10: „Panik im Internat“, TKKG 11: „Film ab!“ TKKG 12: „Alarm in der Geisterbahn“, TKKG 13: “Zelle 13”, TKKG 14: “Gefährliche Ferien” • Charlie Brown: ”What Do You Say in English?”, “Das große Finale” Snoopy und seine Freunde: “Linus in Not” • Oscar der Ballonfahrer entdeckt das Meer • Die wilden Fußballkerle: „Alles ist gut, solange du wild bist!“ , “Abenteuer in der Graffitiburgen“ • Was Ist Was : „Das Interactive DVD Quiz“, „Das Wissens‐Quiz“ • Heidi: „Deine Welt sind die Berge“ Features
• User can play either as a boy or as a girl
• 12 main locations with animated click-points
• Fascinating backgrounds / realistic environment
• 9 exciting in-games with 2 levels of difficulty
• Abenteuer Zeitmaschine: „Anni und Fred bei den Piraten“, „Anni und Fred bei den Rittern“ • Tricky Knights-quiz
• Underground Detective Office • Log book with different medieval information
• “Das tapfere Schneiderlein auf
Europareise“ • „Vernäht und zugeflixt! Was stimmt denn da nicht?“ • Local and online highscore
• Print-out possibility