Unit 2 – Travelling and Knowing different cultures


Unit 2 – Travelling and Knowing different cultures
Unit 2 –
Travelling and Knowing different cultures
Teacher’s Guide
In this lesson, students have practiced vocabulary about clothes, greetings and food.
Students have to practice in Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing, using authentic text
taken from websites. Each one subject is divided in ability.
This lesson is indicated for students of 14 until 16 years old, because the teenagers are
in a new phase of their life. And consequently, they are anxious to learn different and
interesting subjects.
In this session, the communicative activities are based on the text “Communicative
Language Teaching” which reflects a sequence of activities described by Littlewood: Precommunicative activities and Communicative activities. The activities begin of the more
controlled for less controlled. But it doesn’t mean that the teacher became a passive observer.
“His function becomes less dominant than before, but no less important” says Littlewood p.
19. He distinguishes the communicative activities in Functional and social Interaction
The functional activities mean that language learning activities should be done in their
real context so that language learners may not be disgusted thinking that the language they are
learning can not satisfy any of their real communication needs. This implies that a competent
communicative language learner is the one who is able to relate the classroom activities to the
social interactions he is often involved in. This is because the society is the main application
field of a language. Therefore, every language user must relate his language to the norms of
his society.
In the final of the lesson, students must be able to practice the vocabulary here studied
1. This activity will explore greetings that students do in their lives just to show that these
greetings are not uncommon exploring also their world knowledge.
2. Students relate the columns. The aim of this activity is make students get specific
vocabularies according to the text.
Answers Key
( a ) cheek
( C ) um tapinha nas costas
( b ) lead the way
( F ) seja homem ou mulher
( c )a pat on the back
( E ) próximo a, íntimo de alguém
( d )a hug
( A ) face ou bochecha
( e ) close to someone
( B ) liderar a situação
( f ) be it a man or a woman
( D ) um abraço
3. Students match the answer that is wrong according to the text. The aim of this activity is to
identify if the students understood the text according to the whole story around the unit.
Answer Key
Where Molly lives, Paulo can greet other people verbally
4. Students match their own answers about greet in different situations. The aim of this
activity is just make they realize that there are different levels of greeting in different
5. Students answer the questions. The aim of this activity is to express an opinion through of
the writing about a kind of greeting. They have to think here that they are Brazilian and
contextualize in different situations.
6. Students have to express an opinion through of the writing about a greeting that isn’t
common in Brazil. They should realize in a formal situation, that they can not be impolite.
7. Ask students to read the text North American clothing styles after 1900. After that, ask
them what the words they don’t know and so explain them. Students answer the questions
according to the text. The aim of this activity is to practice the speaking of a way more
Answer Key- Reading Comprehension
a. Both boys and girls used to wear cotton dresses, until they were about five years old.
Older girls wore short dresses, only to their knees. Older boys wore short pants, and then
when they were about ten or twelve they started to wear long pants.
b. Since 1970’s, some changes have happened about women’s clothes. And by the end of
the 1900’s many women wore pants more than they wore skirts or dresses.
c. Personal answer
d. Personal answer
e. Personal answer
f. Personal answer
8. Ask students to read the names of the pictures. Students are going through the useful
language to speak what they are wearing and what they aren’t. The aim of this activity is to
practice the speaking of a way still controlled.
Possible answers
I am wearing jeans, shirt, skirt, blouse, jacket now.
I am dressing sandals, shorts, dress, shoes now.
I am not wearing suit, boots, high heels sandals now.
9. Ask the students to read the names of the pictures. Students are going through the useful
language to speak what they wear in the Summer and in the Winter using the pictures to help
them. The aim of this activity is practicing the speaking to get vocabulary about clothes and
Possible Answers
In the Summer, I normally wear jeans, shorts, T-shirt, skirt / I prefer to wear pants, blouse,
pajamas, gloves, leather coat, bikini.
In the Winter, I like to wear jacket, sweater, socks, coat.
I never wear boots, cap, scarf, hat, gloves, leather coat, raincoat.
10. Cued Dialogue
In pairs, the students have to perform the conversations according to the instructions.
You can choose one or two pairs to perform the dialogues in class. Solicit the students to be
creative and add their own ideas to the instructions. The aim of this activity is to practice
conversation in pairs using their own ideas.
Possible Answers: Cued dialogue
Learner A
Learner B
You meet B in the Shopping Mall
You meet A in the Shopping Mall
A: Hello! How are you? What are you doing
B: Fine. I came here to buy some clothes.
A: That’s good. What are your favorite clothes?
B: Well, I like to wear jeans, shorts, sunglasses,
nightdress, blouse, jacket, bra, swimsuit,
A: What about your parents? What do they
sandals, coat, panties.
normally dress?
B: My Mom likes to wear coat, skirt, shoes,
jeans, bra, low heel shoes and handbag when she
goes to work. And my Dad wears suit, tie, tennis
A: And What does your brother/sister usually
shoes, socks and wrist watch.
wear in a party or in a wedding ceremony?
B: Look. When my sister goes to a party, she
wears dress, handbag, ring and coat. And in a
wedding ceremony, she normally dresses jacket,
dress, high heels sandals and jewelry. My
brother dresses boots, pants, leather coat, shoes,
A: Ok. This conversation about clothes was
suit, hat and T-shirt. In a wedding ceremony, he
good. But now, I have to go. So, see you later.
usually wears suit, tie, jacket.
B: I also liked it. Bye, bye. See you.
. This question asks the student which of the above dishes are popular here. As we are
dealing with Brazil expected to answer it feijoada.
Answer Key- Reading Comprehension
a) Personal answer. Because want to know the opinion the students in relation the
b) Personal answer
c) British recipes, Caribbean recipes, Chinese recipes.
d) Personal answer.
e) Personal answer
After the previous two that dealt with a pre-reading, the students should go to the text
and answer the following four questions. Ask if they don’t know the meaning of any
a) Fast food and homemade food have considerable dissimilarities in preparation time,
convenience, and quality.
b) Fast food is more common because people are always busy, and in a hurry, so they
head towards fast food restaurants to save their time.
c) Homemade food needs lots of time until it gets ready.
d) Personal answer
11. Ask the students to read the pictures. Talk about the pictures to them. Ask students to
match the pictures to the its meaning. Students compare their answers. Check the answers
with the students and ask what they think about it. The aim of this activity is to practice the
pronunciation and meaning. The listening has the purpose of doing students listen a
conversation, do not reproduce ideas, but think about it. After that students should express
their critical opinions.
Answer Key
(3) (The use of) any of various methods intended to prevent a woman becoming pregnant.
(4) The state of being pregnant. Pregnancy
(2) A thin rubber covering to stop a woman becoming pregnant or to protect him or his
partner against infectious diseases. Condom
(1) Premature termination of a pregnancy. Abortion
12. Students answer the questions. The aim of this activity is to practice the listening and
become critical students, because of that, we chose activities related to subjects that are
present in their daily life. For example: Abortion, Condom, Pregnancy and Contraception.
Answer Key
2. Students have to watch the episode “Can’t stop this thing we’ve started” of the series
One Tree Hill that is on the website: http://www.arquivosbt.com/2009/03/4temporada-deone-tree-hill.html. 4x4. The periods are: to 5:54 from 6:22; to 24:40 from 24:58; to 31:32
from 32:30 to 38:22 from 38:43 and to 39:19 from 39:58. Acesso em 29/11/2010.
Who are characters against of abortion and who are in favor? Listen to 5:54 from
6:22; to 24:40 from 24:58; and to 38:22 from 38:43
Answer: Characters that are against (Mouth and Shelly); In favor (Rachel)
Is that situation common in your country? Listen to 31:32 from 32:30
Answer: Shelly said to Brooke that she had done abortion because she was young and her
parents didn’t accept that. Answer Personal. Expect that the students answer that abortion is
illegal, but in some cases not.
If you were in this situation what would you do? Listen to 31:32 from 32:30
Personal Answer. With that question you can work the critic literacy
Do you agree abortion should be legal? Listen to 24:40 from 24:58
Personal Answer. With that question you can work the critic literacy
Do you think that Haley’s pregnancy could be avoided? How?
Personal answer. Expect that the students use the vocabulary acquired in the first question to
answer this question.
In your opinion did Haley seem happy with the pregnancy? Listen to 39:19 from
39:58 Answer: Halley told to Lucas that she is pregnancy and she was afraid about it because
her husband didn’t want have children in that moment because he was so close of accomplish
his dream (Play basketball like a professional).
13. First, ask the students to listen the song and after fill in the blanks with the words in the
box. Second, ask students if they know the words in the box. If they don’t know explain them.
Finally, the teacher reads the song in loud voice and asks to students if they have some
difficulty on the pronunciation of some word. Students compare the answers. Check the
The aim of this activity is to improve the listening and pronunciation through of a song.
This song was taken from the soundtrack of the Serious One Tree Hill. You can found it in:
Song: I Don't
Wanna - Be Gavin DeGraw. Acesso em 29/11/2010.
Answer Key
1. Prison
2. Souls
3. Where
4. Lately
5. Peace
6. tired
7. Supposed
8. Liars
9. Imposters
10. Crisis
11. Attention
12. Mountain
. Ask the students to read the text. Students answer to their own opinions. The aim of this
activity is practicing the writing with questions of personal answers.
14. Ask the students to read the text. Ask if they don’t know some word, so explain it.
Students answer the questions. The aim of this activity is practicing the writing through the
reading of the text.
15. Ask the students to read the text. Ask if they don’t know the meaning of any word.
Students complete the sentences to their own opinions. The aim of this activity is practicing
the vocabulary about food with frequency adverbs.
16. Students write about a very special breakfast. The aim of this activity is practicing the
writing using the vocabulary about food.
17. Students cite an item missing in the figures but it is essential in Brazilian breakfast. The
aim of this activity is getting more vocabulary about food.
You can ask to students indicate the words that express the future, for example: gonna (going
to), won’t (will + not) and write some sentences using going to and will. You can utilize that
song to explain the difference between will and going to.
Ask to your students produce one text about their life, talking about what they want to be and
what their parents and other people expect to them. Then they should bring on the next class.
The aim this activity is that the students show your opinion about destiny.
Ask the students if they were to travel to South Africa what kind of clothes they would take.
Students are going through the useful language to answer it.
Ask if the South Africa’s weather is warm or cold. Talk about it.
After that, ask the students to read the text and ask them what words they don’t know.
Students answer the questions about the text and the questions about their own opinions.
The aim of this activity is to practice the speaking according to the text and their own
Answer Key- Reading Comprehension
a For the brief period of January until Mid-March, temperatures sometimes reach 35 degrees.
During this period, the nights might be just as hot. So, during this period, the weather is very
sunny. And in the winter months, the sun shines almost every day. Daytime temperatures
hover around 17 to 22 degrees Celsius. The evenings can get very cold.
b Personal answer
c Personal answer
d Personal answer
e Personal answer
18. Students are going to discuss in pairs about what kind of clothes they would advise to two
friends that they met on the internet to bring to Aracaju. Tell them to go through the useful
language. The aim of this activity is to practice a conversation more freely.
19. Ask the students to look to the pictures. Ask also what the pictures remind them and what
they (pictures) have in common exploring their world knowledge again. The aim of this
activity is to get some vocabulary and maybe to make possible interactions with their
classmates to understand what it is through of elements of the Halloween. After that, students
should look for words they already know or cognates words to become the reading easier.
20. Ask the students to read the text. Ask if they don’t understand any word. Students answer
the question. The aim of this activity basically is reading practice and comprehension of the
Answer Key
This was when the Celts (the ancient inhabitants of Great Britain) celebrated their New Year
and the day they believed that the souls of those who had died that year progressed to the
21. Students match their answers. They have to be able to associate the essence of Halloween
with their culture in their own country exploring their world knowledge .
Answer Key
b. Day of the dead.
22. Students express their own opinion. The aim of this activity is to express an opinion about
the exaltation of cultures of the other countries.
23. Ask the students to read the questions in loud voice. Any mistakes of the pronunciation
should be correct. Students match what the superstitions are associated with Halloween and
correct false superstitions. Check the answers. The aim of this activity is to get knowledge
about superstitions based on superstitions they already know through word knowledge.
Answers Key
( F ) dive a cat on swimming pool. / You see a black cat
( F ) break a mirror, bring a year of bad luck. / Bring seven years of bad luck
( V ) pass under a ladder.
( V ) you seeing one owl in the daylight
24. Students write a small text about how deep a superstition changed their life. The aim of
this activity is to leave students free to express their feelings because and many situations,
they do not have opportunities in class like that, mainly for the shy students.
25. Students relate the words with the pictures. The aim of this activity is getting vocabulary
about elements of the Christmas through the pictures.
26. Ask the students to read the text. Ask if they don’t know the meaning of any word and/or
if they have some difficulty in the pronunciation of some words. Students mark their answers.
Check the answers. The aim of this activity is practicing the comprehension of the text.
Answers Keys
-The way we celebrate Christmas in Brazil is equal to U.K.
-People in Brazil usually make nativity plays.
-All children receive presents in Brazil.
-Families often celebrate Christmas together in Brazil
( X ) yes
( ) yes
( ) yes
( X ) yes
( ) no
(X ) no
(X ) no
( ) no
-People always decorate their houses in Christmas in U.K.
-I receive many expensive presents.
( ) yes
-My parents get indebted with Christmas.
( ) yes
( X ) yes
( ) no
( ) no- RPersonal answer
( ) no- Rpersonal answer
27. Students answer the question. They will express each reality that they have experienced in
Christmas. If their parents have money to buy gifts or just to spend with basic food.
28. Students answer the question. Here, students will show what is really Christmas. The aim
of this activity is to see how critical they are.
Exercise Extra: Students need to access the website:
http://www.whychristmas.com/fun/xword.shtml to get it. The aim of this activity is improve
the vocabulary about Christmas.
29. Students here should show knowledge through vocabulary already learnt on the past
30. Students should listen to the song Oh, Santa by Mariah Carrey at least twice and
they have to try to put the pictures in the right order. After that, the teacher
distributes the song’s letter to students check their answers. Then the teacher put the
song again to students follow it. When the song ends, the teacher should ask to
students sing together.
The aim of this activity is to practice the listening, get vocabulary and to practice
pronunciation. We chosen the Christmas because it is a date commemorated in
many countries and because it is a simple subject as students have the previous
knowledge about it. Trough of the song you can show the different culture between
U.K. and USA too.
For example, In United Kingdom children sometimes leave out mince pies and
brandy for Father Christmas to eat and drink when he visits them and in USA
children leave out cookies.
31. The students should answer the questions based on the song and show their
opinions. The aim of this activity is to do students epress your opinion and improve
your reading, listening and writing.
a) She asked to Santa bring her baby come back.
Personal answer
c) Personal answer
32. Students should train vocabulary, then they will use some words found on the song and
answer the crossword puzzle.
Answer: 1. Christmas; 2. Milk; 3. Sleigh; 4. Kris Kringle; 5. December; 6. Chimney;
7. Cookie; 8. Elves; 9. Letter; 10. Scoop; 11. Santa; 12. Bleak; 13. Cheer; 14.
Teacher’s Guide / Grammatical Structures
There are some explanations below about the grammatical aspects that the
teacher can explain them in class. They will help the teacher to guide their students.
When the learners haven’t understood the activities, the teacher explains what
grammatical aspects are involved in the tasks.
Simple Present
[VERB] + s/es in third person
* You speak English.
* Do you speak English?
* You do not speak English.
USE 1: Repeated Actions
Use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is repeated or usual. The action
can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event, a scheduled event or something that often
happens. It can also be something a person often forgets or usually does not do.
* I play tennis.
* She does not play tennis.
* Does he play tennis?
* The train leaves every morning at 8 AM.
* The train does not leave at 9 AM.
* When does the train usually leave?
* She always forgets her purse.
* He never forgets his wallet.
* Every twelve months, the Earth circles the Sun.
* Does the Sun circle the Earth?
USE 2: Facts or Generalizations
The Simple Present can also indicate the speaker believes that a fact was true before, is
true now, and will be true in the future. It is not important if the speaker is correct about
the fact. It is also used to make generalizations about people or things.
* Cats like milk.
* Birds do not like milk.
* Do pigs like milk?
* California is in America.
* California is not in the United Kingdom.
* Windows are made of glass.
* Windows are not made of wood.
* New York is a small city. It is not important that this fact is untrue.
USE 3: Scheduled Events in the Near Future
Speakers occasionally use Simple Present to talk about scheduled events in the near
future. This is most commonly done when talking about public transportation, but it can
be used with other scheduled events as well.
* The train leaves tonight at 6 PM.
* The bus does not arrive at 11 AM, it arrives at 11 PM.
* When do we board the plane?
* The party starts at 8 o'clock.
* When does class begin tomorrow?
USE 4: Now (Non-Continuous Verbs)
Speakers sometimes use the Simple Present to express the idea that an action is
happening or is not happening now. This can only be done with Non-Continuous Verbs
and certain Mixed Verbs.
* I am here now.
* She is not here now.
* He needs help right now.
* He does not need help now.
* He has his passport in his hand.
* Do you have your passport with you?
Present Continuous
[am/is/are + present participle]
* You are watching TV.
* Are you watching TV?
* You are not watching TV.
USE 1: Now
Use the Present Continuous with Normal Verbs to express the idea that something is
happening now, at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not
happening now.
* You are learning English now.
* You are not swimming now.
* Are you sleeping?
* I am sitting.
* I am not standing.
* Is he sitting or standing?
* They are reading their books.
* They are not watching television.
* What are you doing?
* Why aren't you doing your homework?
USE 2: Longer Actions in Progress Now
In English, "now" can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and
so on. Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of
doing a longer action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this
exact second.
* I am studying to become a doctor.
* I am not studying to become a dentist.
* I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.
* I am not reading any books right now.
* Are you working on any special projects at work?
* Aren't you teaching at the university now?
USE 3: Near Future
Sometimes, speakers use the Present Continuous to indicate that something will or will
not happen in the near future.
* I am meeting some friends after work.
* I am not going to the party tonight.
* Is he visiting his parents next weekend?
* Isn't he coming with us tonight?
USE 4: Repetition and Irritation with "Always"
The Present Continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea
that something irritating or shocking often happens. Notice that the meaning is like
Simple Present, but with negative emotion. Remember to put the words "always" or
"constantly" between "be" and "verb+ing."
* She is always coming to class late.
* He is constantly talking. I wish he would shut up.
* I don't like them because they are always complaining.
REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs
It is important to remember that Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any
continuous tenses. Also, certain non-continuous meanings for Mixed Verbs cannot be
used in continuous tenses. Instead of using Present Continuous with these verbs, you
must use Simple Present.
* She is loving this chocolate ice cream. Not Correct
* She loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct
FUTURE: Will / Be Going to
O tempo futuro em inglês pode ser expresso de várias formas:
1. Com o auxiliar will seguido de infinitivo sem o to. Esta construção também é comum
com palavras como maybe, perhaps, probably, I think.... A forma contraída de will é ’ll.
Perguntas são feitas invertendo-se will e o sujeito enquanto as negativas com o simples
acréscimo de not. Will not = won’t:
Sue travels a lot. She’s in Madrid today. She will be in Rome tomorrow. Next week
she’ll be in Tokyo.
You cannot phone me this evening. I will not (=won’t) be at home.
Leave the old bread in the garden. The birds will probably eat it.
I think Diana will pass the exam.
2. Não se usa will para coisas ou situações que já foram decididas ou planejadas. Nesse
caso deve-se usar to be + going to ou o present continuous:
I am going to buy some books tomorrow. (Eu já decidi, até deixei o dinheiro reservado
para isso)
I am not going to have breakfast this morning. I am not hungry.
Are you going to invite John to your party?
I am not working tomorrow. (present continuous)
Mary is playing tennis with Julia tomorrow. (present continuous)
3. Se estiver claro ou houver fortes indícios de que a ação vai acontecer, use going to:
Look at those black clouds in the sky. It’s going to rain!
Oh shit! It’s 9:00 o’clock now and the meeting is at 9:15. I am going to be late!
4. O future continuous é formado com will + be + verbo principal com –ing. Indica uma
ação que estará se desenvolvendo em algum ponto do futuro:
They will be leaving for Australia next month.
I will be reading this text in my English class tomorrow morning.
5. Would é o auxiliar do condicional em inglês. Pode ser o passado de will em alguns
casos ou então ter um uso idiomático. É seguido do infinitivo sem o to:
He said he would visit his family at Christmas. (Ele disse que visitaria a família no
I would be with you now if he hadn’t made that mistake. (Eu estaria com você agora se
ele não tivesse feito aquela trapalhada.)
Would you like to come with us? (gostaria de vir conosco? – Nesse caso é usado para
fazer convites).
"Would" is most commonly used to create conditional verb forms. It also serves as the
past form of the modal verb "will." Additionally, "would" can indicate repetition in the
past. For more information on the grammar behind the modal verb "would," visit the
following tutorials: Conditional Tutorial, Future in the Past, and Would Always.
* If he were an actor, he would be in adventure movies. conditional
* I knew that she would be very successful in her career. past of "will"
* When they first met, they would always have picnics on the beach. Repetition
Using "Would" in Present, Past, and Future
Modal Use
Positive Forms
1. = Present 2. = Past 3. =
Negative Forms
1. = Present 2. = Past 3. =
1. If I were president, I would
cut the cost of education.
1. If I were president, I
would not raise taxes.
2. If I had been president, I
2. If I had been president, I
would have cut the cost of
3. If I were elected president
next year, I would cut the cost
of education.
past of
repetition in
would not have raised taxes.
3. If I were president, I
would not sign the tax
increase next week.
I said I would help you.
I said I wouldn't help you.
He told me he would be here
before 8:00.
He told me he would not be
here before 8:00.
When I was a kid, I would
always go to the beach.
When I was a kid, I
wouldn't go into the water
by myself.
When he was young, he
would always do his
When he got older, he
would never do his
"Should" is most commonly used to make recommendations or give advice. It can also
be used to express obligation as well as expectation.
* When you go to Berlin, you should visit the palaces in Potsdam. recommendation
* You should focus more on your family and less on work. advice
* I really should be in the office by 7:00 AM. obligation
* By now, they should already be in Dubai. expectation
Using "Should" in Present, Past, and Future
Most modal verbs behave quite irregularly in the past and the future. Study the chart
below to learn how "should" behaves in different contexts.
Modal Use
Positive Forms
1. = Present 2. = Past 3. =
Negative Forms
1. = Present 2. =
Past 3. = Future
You can
also use:
1. People with high
cholesterol should eat low-fat
2. Frank should have eaten
low-fat foods. That might
have prevented his heart
3. You really should start
eating better.
1. Sarah shouldn't
smoke so much. It's
not good for her
2. Sarah shouldn't
have smoked so
much. That's what
caused her health
ought to
3. Sarah shouldn't
smoke when she
visits Martha next
week. Martha hates
when people smoke
in her house.
I should be at work before
We should return the video
before the video rental store
"Should" can also express
something between
recommendation and
obligation. "Be supposed to"
expresses a similar idea and
can easily be used in the past
or in negative forms.
1. Susan should be in New
York by now.
2. Susan should have arrived
in New York last week. Let's
call her and see what she is
up to.
3. Susan should be in New
York by next week. Her new
job starts on Monday.
1. Susan shouldn't
be in New York
2. Susan shouldn't
have arrived in
New York until
3. Susan shouldn't
arrive in New York
until next week.
ought to,
O advérbio é uma palavra que modifica um verbo, um adjetivo ou um outro
advérbio. Os advérbios, de acordo com a circunstancia que expressam, podem ser:
 Adverbs of Place (advérbios de lugar)
o Here (aqui, neste lugar)
o There (aí, lá, ali, para lá, nesse lugar, nesse ponto)
o Near (próximo, perto, a pouca distância)
o Up (em cima, acima)
o Down (abaixo, para baixo)
Exemplos: She lives there (Ela mora lá)
John Works here. (John trabalha aqui)
 Adverbs of Tme (advérbios de tempo)
Podem ser usados no início ou no final da oração.
o Now (agora, já, imediatamente)
o Today (hoje)
o Tomorrow (amanhã)
o Last week (semana passada)
o In 1997 (em 1997)
Exemplo: I bought this computer yesterday. (Eu comprei este computador ontem)
 Adverbs of Frequency (advérbios de freqüência)
o Twice (duas vezes)
o Often (frequentemente)
o Always (sempre)
o Never (nunca)
o Usually (sempre, freqüentemente)
o Sometimes (às vezes)
o Rarely (raramente)
o Seldon (raramente)
Os advérbios de freqüência são posicionados:
1. Após o verboTO BE em orações em que ele é o verbo principal:
o I am always tired. (Eu estou sempre cansado)
2. Antes do verbo principal:
o She usually Works on Saturdays. (Ele sempre trabalha aos Sábados)
o He never stays there. (Ele nunca está lá)
3. Depois do primeiro verbo auxiliar em orações com tempos compostos:
o She had never studied French. (Ela nunca tinha estudado Francês)
Os advérbios de freqüência com sentido negativo podem vir no início da oração.
Neste caso, deverá haver uma inversão do verbo com o sujeito:
o She is never happy/ Never is she happy.(Ela nunca está feliz)
Se a oração estiver no Simple Present ou Simple Past, o verbo será substituído
pelo auxiliar correspondente:
o They seldom went out/ Seldom did they go out. (Eles raramente saíam)
Em orações formadas por verbo auxiliary/ modal e principal, inverteremos o
sujeito com o verbo auxiliary/ modal:
o He can never get there/ Never can he get there. (Ele nunca chegará lá)
 Adverbs of Manner (advérbios de maneira)
o Quickly (rápido)
o Calmly (camamente)
o Happily (rapidamente)
Ex: She types quickly. (Ela digita rapidamente)
Os advérbios de modo são geralmente formados de um adjetivo mais o sufixo – “ly”:
o calm + ly = calmly
 Adverbs of Degree (advérbios de intensidade)
o Too (muito, demais)
o Very (bastante, muito)
o Almost (quase, perto)
o Really (realmente)
o Rather (antes, um tanto, melhor)
o Quite (completamente, bastante, razoavelmente)
Ex: It is very cold. (Está muito frio)
Alguns advérbios mantêm a mesma forma dos adjetivos dos quais são derivados:
o Far (longe)
o Low (baixo)
o Well (bem)
o Fast (rápido, rapidamene)
Outros possuem duas formas, mas seus significados são diferentes:
o High (alto) – haghly (em alto grau)
o Hard (difícil, árduo, duro) – hardly (mal; quase)
o Late (tarde) – lately (recentemente)
o Near (próximo) - nearly (quase, por pouco)
Posição dos Advérbios
 Se houver dois ou mais advérbios numa oração, a seqüência será:
1º: advérbio de maneira
2º: advérbio de lugar
3º advérbio de tempo
Ex.: I is raining steadily in São Paulo today.(Está chovendo initerruptamente em
São Paulo)
 Quando o verbo indicar movimento, a seqüência será:
1º: advérbio de lugar
2º: advérbio de modo
3º advérbio de tempo
Ex.: He went to England by plane in 1997. (Ele foi à Inglaterra de avião em
 Se houver dois ou mais advérbios do mesmo tipo na oração, ficará mais próximo
do verbo aquele que contiver a informação mais específica dentro do conjunto
de informações passado pelos demais advérbios:
Ex.: I was Born in the morning, on april 15, in 1951. (Eu nasci na manhã do dia
15 de abril de 1951)
 Se forem advérbios de modo, o mais curto precederá o mais longo:
Ex.: He is speaking low and continuously. (Ele está falando baixo e continuamente)
 Always, Never e Ever geralmente são posicionados entre o auxiliar (have/ has)
e o verbo principal.
 Yet (já); usado em orações interrogativas para indicar surpresa ou expectativa):
Ex.: Have you eaten all your desert yet? (Você já comeu toda a sua sobremesa?)
 Yet (ainda); usado no final de orações negativas:
Ex. Train hasn´t arrived yet. (O tem não chegou ainda)
 Just (muito recentemente); expressa uma ação que acabou de acontecer:
Ex.: She has just last her last chance. (Ela acabou de perder sua última chance)
 Laterly (ultimamente):
Ex.: I haven´t gone to the theater lately. (Eu não tenho ido ao teatro ultimamente)
 Recently (recentemente):
Ex.: He has changed his job recently. (Ele mudou de emprego recentemente)
Lately, Recently e Yet geralmente são posicionados no final da oração.
Verbo regular: term. ed;
forma Ações acabadas que Yesterday,
night, last week, last
variada (observar lista de ocorreram
month, two hours
verbos irregulares);
tempo definido no
ago, three weeks
verbo auxiliar did (na forma
ago, etc.
negativa e interrogativa).
AMORIM, José Olavo de. Longman Gramática Escolar da Língua Inglesa. São Paulo:
Longman, 2004.
AZAR, Betty Schrampfer.Understanding and Using English Grammar. Pearson:
Longman, 2002. 3ª edition.
MURPHY, Raymond. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1987. 3ª