
OUTUBRO 10/10 à 14/10
Série: 3°
QUESTÃO 01 - From the content of the extract, one can rightly suppose
that it was taken from a text about:
A) what happened 1,000 years ago.
B) plants that grow in Tahiti.
C) the history of migrating pioneers.
D) the origins of electricity.
E) travelers coming to Tahiti.
QUESTÃO 02 - A melhor tradução para o trecho “It was the pioneering
Polynesians who first brought this plant” (linhas 02 e 03) é:
A) Foi o pioneirismo dos polinésios que em primeiro lugar trouxe esta planta.
B) Foram os pioneiros polinésios os primeiros a trazer esta planta.
C) Primeiro os polinésios pioneiros trouxeram esta planta.
D) Quem trouxe esta planta pioneira foram os primeiros polinésios.
E) Os polinésios foram os pioneiros na primeira vez que trouxeram esta planta.
QUESTÃO 03 - The coconut tree is said to be a tree of life (line 04) because it
supplies people with all of the alternatives below, EXCEPT:
A) roofs.
B) food.
C) light.
D) housing.
E) clothes.
QUESTÃO 04 - The terms edible (line 05) and woven (line 07) are
associated, respectively, with people’s
A) mouth and hands.
B) arms and legs.
C) legs and feet.
D) feet and hands.
E) mouth and eyes.
QUESTÃO 05 - Nos dois primeiros quadrinhos, Lucy aconselha Snoopy a
I. um texto cujo enredo seja coeso.
II. um texto que provoque o leitor.
III. uma história que torne o leitor provocante.
IV. um enredo cada vez mais denso para prender a atenção do leitor.
As afirmativas corretas são
A) I e II.
B) I e III.
C) II e III.
D) II e IV.
E) III e IV.
QUESTÃO 06 - Snoopy se dá conta que:
A) he’s always written lighter stories.
B) his plots have never been enlightened.
C) he hasn’t been writing long.
D) plots are important to be had.
E) Lucy should have given her advice earlier
QUESTÃO 07 - Observe esse provérbio Americano:
“Together we stand, divided we fall”.
No Brasil, a frase que melhor exprime o significado do mesmo é:
Vão-se os anéis, ficam-se os dedos.
A união faz a força
Tudo que vem fácil, vai fácil.
Não se pode agradar a todos.
Fazer bem sem olhar a quem
QUESTÃO 08 – “Life
begins at forty” :
Tal provérbio revela a importância da:
Celebrities have embraced social media outlets like Facebook and
Twitter, making it easy for fans to establish a connection with their favorite stars.
Regular updates give fans an inside look at a star's day-to-day activities with
pictures, locational information and promotional materials. But the busy and
glamorous lives of many celebrities make it impossible for them to spend their
time hunched over their computers, and some stars hire social media interns to
help. Some interns help so much that they do
the writing for them. Many stars now use ghost
writers who pen the 140-character messages in
the celebrity's voice.
Many ghost tweeters have to get into the
heads of the celebrities they are channeling.
With the sheer volume of social media action, it's understandable that
celebrities would be tempted to hire social media interns, but ghost tweeters
might be an exception rather than a rule. A social media intern typically works to
monitor and advise, rather than act as the celebrity.
Much like a brand, celebrities have teams of people working behind the
scenes to help promote them. "When a celebrity becomes a brand, managing
all the facets of an identity can become a big task. We recommend that
everyone whether they're brands or celebrities are closely involved at all stages
of managing their presence. However, recognizing that at times this can be
impossible, they should only allow trusted parties who have an intimate
understanding of what they are about," says Yunus Akseki, a director of the
media agency Imperial Leisure.
Because most celebrities don't disclose whether or not they have hired
someone to be a ghost tweeter it may be difficult to tell if the tweets are
authentic or not. So followers might never know if they're fans of their favorite
celebrities or of their social media interns.
Adapted from: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-12676791
QUESTÃO 09 - Some stars hire a social media intern to help them because:
a) their fans are too close to them.
b) they don't like Facebook.
c) Twitter is not part of their lives.
d) their lives are full of activity
e) They don´t know how to manage services like Twitter.
QUESTÃO 10 - The word their in “to spend their time…” (paragraph 1) refers
a) interns.
b) celebrities.
c) computers.
d) lives.
e) fans
QUESTÃO 11 - Social media interns should:
a) pretend to be fans
b) be tempted to become a celebrity.
c) work mainly to monitor and advise.
d) act as if they were celebrities themselves.
e) recognize that celebrities are not busy.
QUESTÃO 12 - According to Yunus Akseki, when a celebrity becomes a brand:
a) people working with them must be famous too.
b) he or she will have to use Twitter and Facebook.
c) managing all the sides of an identity can be hard.
d) ghost twitters are not necessary any more.
e) the interns do not need to invite them.
QUESTÃO 13 - Followers might never know if they are fans of their favorite
celebrities or of their social media interns because most celebrities:
a) cannot give fans an inside look at their private lives.
b) cannot be involved at all stages of managing their presence.
c) do not tell if they have hired someone as a ghost tweeter.
d) do not like to use Facebook or Twitter every single day.
e) do not like fans.