Review Activity


Review Activity
Goiânia, ___________ de_________________________ de 2014.
Aluno (a): ____________________________________________
Professora: Lara Line
7º Ano: A
Valor: 10,0
Nota: _________
Review Activity
1. What is he doing?
) He is going camping.
) He is sleeping in the sleeping bag.
I _______ come to class on time.
) always.
) never.
) usually.
8. Look at the picture and mark the correct
2. What is she doing?
) She is doing crosswords puzzles.
) She is doing her homework.
I _______ sleep in class.
) always.
) never.
) usually.
3. What are they doing?
) They are in the school.
9. Look at the picture and mark the correct
) They are in the shopping.
I _______ do my homework.
4. What is he doing?
) He isn’t swimming.
) He is swimming.
) always.
) never.
) usually.
10. Look at the picture and mark the correct
5. What are they doing?
) They aren’t dancing.
) They’re dancing.
I _______ listen to music on my headphones
in class.
6. What is she doing?
) She is writing.
) She isn’t writing.
7. Look at the picture and mark the correct
) always.
) never.
) usually.
11. Match the words to make verb phrases.
a. Answer
b. Come
c. Do
______ my homework.
______ the teacher’s questions.
______ to class on time.
12. Match the words to make verb phrases.
a. Throw
b. Sleep
c. Get
______ in my bed only.
______ good grades.
______ paper in the basket.
13. Circle the correct adjectives.
a. Yesterday it was hot, but today it’s
snowing. I’m bored / surprised.
b. Mom was at work at 6.30 this morning.
She’s very tired / surprised.
c. I was the last person in the race. I was
happy / sad.
c. Did you ____________ the glass?
18. Circle the correct words.
a. I told / went my mom about the fire.
b. Jose spent / gave a week in Canada.
c. Ana went / met her friend at the
shopping mall.
19. Match the verbs with the words
a. relax
b. spend
c. explore
d. plant
____ the national parks
____ a week on vacation
____ some trees
____ on the beach
20. Match the verbs with the expressions
14. Choose the correct adjective to complete
these sentences.
a. Harry doesn’t like the ride. He’s ______
) happy
) scared.
b. I’m in math class and I hate math. I’m _
) happy
) bored.
c. It’s Dee’s first day at work. She’s _____
) nervous
a. dye
b. stay
c. drive
d. buy
____ the car
____ out late
____ his hair
____ a new cell phone
21. Look at the pictures and mark the correct
answer. (Observe as figuras abaixo e marque
corresponde às figuras)
) sad.
15. Circle the correct words.
Rick: How much / many apples are there
in the kitchen?
Lewis: There aren’t any / none.
Rick: Oh! How much / many cheese is
there? And how many muffins are there?
Lewis: There is / are a lot of muffins.
16. Fill in the blanks. Use the words below.
a. The Titanic ____________ an iceberg.
b. Did the boat __________ after it hit the
c. Henrique __________ mom’s car into a
17. Fill in the blanks. Use the words below.
die disappear sink
a. In mystery stories, people and things
often ____________
b. The old woman didn’t ____________ of
( ) Play a computer game; Play hockey;
Actor; Play guitar.
) Actor; Play guitar; Play a computer
game; Play hockey.
( ) Play hockey; Play a computer game;
Actor; Play guitar.
) Play a computer game; Actor; Play
guitar; Play hockey.
22. Read these words bellow. Mark the
alternative that everyone is “Clothes”. (Leia
as palavras abaixo. Marque a alternativa em
que contenha somente palavras relacionas à
Coat; Scarf; Belt.
Bracelet; Float on a raft.
Take pictures; Necklace; Coat.
Buy souvenirs; Ring; Scarf.
23. Read these words bellow. Mark the
alternative that everyone is “Jewelry”. (Leia
as palavras abaixo. Marque a alternativa em
que contenha somente palavras relacionas à
Coat; Scarf; Belt.
Bracelet; Necklace; Ring.
Take pictures; Necklace; Coat.
Buy souvenirs; Ring; Scarf.
24. Rewrite these sentences using the
“Present Continuous”. (Reescreva essas
frases usando o “Presente Contínuo”).
walking; He is going to bed.
walkking; He is waking.
working; He is dreaming.
walking; He is watching TV.
28. Look at the Pictures and mark the correct
alternative. (Observe as figuras e marque a
alternativa correta).
a. They talk on the phone.
b. I sit on the beach.
) They are going to shopping mall;
They are watching TV.
) They are going to school; They are
eating breakfast.
) They are going to school; They are
eating snacks.
c. I sit on the beach.
25. Look at the Picture and mark the correct
alternative. (Observe a figura e marque a
alternativa correta).
29. Rewrite these verbs using the “ing”.
(Reescreva os verbos abaixo usando o “ing”)
a. play : __________________________
b. dance : ________________________
are playing soccer.
isn’t plaing soccer.
aren’t playin soccer.
are playing soocer.
26. Which verb complete this sentence.
(Qual verbo complete a frase abaixo.
c. live : __________________________
d. talk : __________________________
e. work : _________________________
walk : _________________________
g. open : _________________________
h. sit : ___________________________
Elsie ___ to her friend.
drive : _________________________
buy : __________________________
k. do : ___________________________
27. Look at the Pictures and mark the correct
alternative. (Observe as figuras e marque a
alternativa correta)..
go : ___________________________

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Review Activity

Review Activity Goiânia, ___________ de_________________________ de 2014. Aluno (a): ____________________________________________ Professora: Lara Line 6º Ano: A Valor: 10,0 Nota: __________

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