ECTS - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto


ECTS - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto
ECTS - Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto
Degree: Marketing (evening Courses)
Course: Business and Industrial Property Law
Academic Year: 2012/2013
Academic year: 1
Term: Summer Semester
Attendance: Mandatory
Number of Credits (ECTS): 3.0
Theoretical/Practical Work (hours): 3.0 h
Course Responsible Teacher: Doutora Deolinda Meira
The aim is to understand the position of company law in the context of commercial law and, within this, the identification of acts of
trade and the sole trader, as well as their regulations and obligations.
Provide an overview of the Portuguese corporate law and study on the establishment, ownership and control, liability of directors
and members, regarding the various types of commercial companies.
The aim is also the knowledge and characterization of the private rights of industrial property (patents, trademarks and allied rights),
with understanding of the various protection regimes as well as knowledge of unfair competition rules.
1. Meaning, origin and evolution of commercial law.
2. The Commercial Law and its relation with civil law.
3. Acts of Trade.
4. Merchants.
1. Basics.
2. Elements of corporation#s contract.
3. The specificity of association business.
4. Different companies status.
5. Incorporation business act. Form. Amendment.
6. Society as a corporate entity.
1. Introduction
2. The industrial property rights
2.1. Creations
2.1.1. Patents
2.1.2. Utility Models
2.1.3. Industrial design
2.2. Trade distinctive signs
2.2.1. Trade marks
2.2.2. Appellations of origin and geographical indications
2.2.3. Logos
2.2.4. Rewards
2.3. New private rights of industrial property
2.3.1. Topographies of semiconductor products
2.3.2. Domain Names
3. Unfair competition
3.1. General.
3.2. Diferent acts of unfair competition.
Lectures with oral presentation of the material in the syllabus, resorting to the use of practical examples illustrate the issues
addressed, always trying to solve the problems presented and highlighting the main implications of the legal solutions.
Assessment Methods:
Continuous assessment, including two mini-tests. Final evaluation.
ABREU, J. M. Coutinho de (coordenação), #Estudos de Direito das Sociedades#, 10ª Ed., Coimbra, 2010.
ABREU, J. M. Coutinho de, #Curso de Direito Comercial#, Volume I, Reimpressão da 8ª Ed., Almedina, 2012.
ABREU, J. M. Coutinho de, #Curso de Direito Comercial - Volume II - Das Sociedades#, Reimpressão da 4.º Edição de 2011,
Almedina, Coimbra, 2013.
ABREU, J. M. Coutinho de (Coordenação), Código das Sociedades Comerciais em Comentário, Volumes I a IV, Almedina,
CORREIA, Miguel J. A. Pupo, #Direito Comercial#, Ediforum, Lisboa, 12ª Ed. revista e atualizada, 2012.
CUNHA, Paulo Olavo, #Direito das Sociedades Comerciais#, Almedina, Coimbra, 5.ª Ed., 2012.
CUNHA, Paulo Olavo, #Lições de Direito Comercial#, Almedina, Coimbra, 2010.
GOMES, Fátima, #Manual de Direito Comercial#, Universidade Católica Editora, Lisboa, 2012
GONÇALVES, Luís Couto, #Manual de Direito Industrial # Propriedade Industrial e Concorrência Desleal#, Almedina, 3.ª Ed. 2012
OLAVO, Carlos, #Propriedade Industrial#, Almedina, Coimbra, 2.ª Ed., 2005.
SERRA, Catarina, #Direito Comercial # Noções Fundamentais#, Coimbra Editora, 2009.
SILVA, Pedro Sousa e, #Direito Industrial - Noções Fundamentais#, Coimbra Editora, 2012.
Doutora Deolinda Meira
S. Mamede Infesta, 13 de Maio de 2013