The Most Holy Trinity June 03, 2012


The Most Holy Trinity June 03, 2012
288 S. Harbor Blvd., Santa Ana, CA 92704
Phone: (714) 775-6200 Fax: (714) 775-6226
Website: Email: [email protected]
The Most Holy Trinity
June 03, 2012
Rev. Joseph Luan Nguyen
Rev. Augustine Long Vu
Parochial Vicar
Deacon Rigoberto Maldonado
Hilda McLean
Office Manager, Ext 200
Haûo P. Traàn
Business Manager, Ext. 212
Hoàng Döông
Bulletin Editor
Facility Coordinator, Ext. 203
Sr. Dieãm Mai Traàn, LHC
Religious Education
Giaùo Lyù, Ext. 207
Elvira Lamas
Catecismo, Ext. 206
Paola Flores
Confirmation / Theâm Söùc /
Confirmación, Youth 4
Truth, RCIA English, Ext. 208
Paul Nguyeãn
Marina Rubalcaba RICA,
Minh Nguyeãn
Andrew Taân Nguyeãn
Chuû Tòch Ban Thöôøng Vuï
Giaùo Lyù Taân Toøng
Eucharistic Youth / Thieáu Nhi
Thaùnh Theå, 714-725-8504
[email protected]
Tröôøng Vieät Ngöõ,
[email protected]
Weekday Masses / Leã Ngaøy Thöôøng / Misas Diarias
8:30 AM Thöù Hai, Thöù Tö, Thöù Saùu
Tieáng Vieät
8:30 AM Martes y Jueves
Saturday Masses / Leã Thöù Baûy / Misa del Sábado
8:00 AM
Tieáng Vieät
6:00 PM (Vigil) Vietnamese & English
8:00 PM (Vigil) Neo-Catechumenal
Sunday Masses / Leã Chuùa Nhaät / Misas Dominicales
6:30 AM
Tiếng Việt
8:30 AM
Tieáng Vieät
10:30 AM
Tieáng Vieät
12:30 PM
4:30 PM
English - Life Teen
6:30 PM
Tiếng Việt
Thursday / Thöù Naêm / Jueves 9:00—9:45 AM Trilingual
Saturday / Thöù Baûy / Sábado 4:15—5:00 PM Trilingual
First Friday of the month following Mass
Thöù Saùu ñaàu thaùng sau Thaùnh Leã
Primer Viernes del mes después de la Misa
Please contact the parish office for more information
Xin lieân laïc vaên phoøng giaùo xöù
Por favor llame a la oficina para más información
June 03, 2012
Chuùa Nhaät Chuùa Ba Ngoâi
Ñaùp Ca
Phuùc thay daân toäc maø Chuùa choïn, choïn laøm cô nghieäp rieâng mình
Laù Thö töø Cha Giaùm Quaûn
Ngaøy 3 thaùng 6, 2012
Hoâm nay toaøn theå giaùo hoäi long troïng Kính Möøng Leã Chuùa Ba Ngoâi. Leã Chuùa Ba Ngoâi heù môû cho chuùng ta
moät chuùt veà moät maàu nhieäm cao troïng. Chính Thieân Chuùa ñaõ coù saùng kieán ‘veùn maøn’ ñeå chuùng ta coù theå
hieåu ñöôïc moät phaàn naøo, bôûi vì thöïc ra con ngöôøi khoâng theå naøo hieåu bieát Thieân Chuùa moät caùch ñaày ñuû.
Thieân Chuùa vöôït xa con ngöôøi muoân truøng. Ñoïc trong Taân Öôùc, chuùng ta thaáy Thieân Chuùa coù ba ngoâi vòChuùa Cha, Chuùa Con vaø Chuùa Thaùnh Thaàn. Chính nhôø nhaân danh ba ngoâi naøy maø chuùng ta ñöôïc röûa toäi.
Ñöôïc trôû neân con caùi Chuùa vaø haõnh dieän ñöôïc Thieân Chuùa laø Abba, nghóa laø Cha.
Thieân Chuùa laø Chuùa Cha. Khi khaúng ñònh Thieân Chuùa laø Chuùa Cha, chuùng ta nghó ñeán Ngaøi tröôùc heát nhö
nguoàn soáng, nhö Ñaáng trao ban söï soáng. Thaät vaäy taát caû ñeàu ñöôïc Thieân Chuùa Cha Taïo Thaønh; nhôø Ngaøi taát
caû ñöôïc giöõ gìn trong söï soáng. Chính trong Ngaøi maø moät ngaøy kia chuùng ta seõ thaáy ñöôïc söï soáng sung maõn,
baát taän. Noùi toùm laïi Thieân Chuùa yeâu thöông chuùng ta töø ngaøn xöa, töø trong cung loøng cuûa ngöôøi meï. Thaùnh
Gioan ñaõ khaúng ñònh vôùi chuùng ta raèng: Thieân Chuùa laø tình yeâu vaø ai soáng trong tình yeâu laø soáng trong
Thieân Chuùa.
Thieân Chuùa laø Chuùa con. Phuùc aâm noùi nhieàu veà Chuùa Con. Chuùa con laø söï nhaäp theå cuûa Thieân Chuùa treân
traàn gian. Con Thieân Chuùa laøm ngöôøi laø baèng chöùng cho thaáy, Thieân Chuùa haøng quan taâm tôùi chuùng ta.
Ngaøi muoán lieân keát vôùi chuùng ta. Ngaøi ñeán traàn gian ñeå cöùu ñoä chuùng ta. Chuùa Gieâsu ñaõ xaùc nhaän ñieàu naøy,
khi Ngaøi noùi: Ai nhìn thaáy Thaày laø nhìn thaáy Chuùa Cha” Vì theá chuùng ta haõy hoïc hoûi tìm hieàu Kinh Thaùnh
ñeå hieåu Ñöùc Kitoâ nhieàu hôn.
Thieân Chuùa laø Chuùa Thaùnh Thaàn. Ngaøi laø moái daây lieân keát Chuùa Cha vaø Chuùa Con. Ngaøi laø hôi thôû.
Ngaøi laø söï soáng. Ngaøi laø tình yeâu giuùp cho Chuùa Cha vaø Chuùa Con hieäp thoâng maät thieát vôùi nhau. Chuùa
Thaùnh Thaàn cuõng ban cho chuùng ta ôn baûy nguoàn ñeå chuùng ta coù theå tieáp tuïc laøm chöùng cho tình yeâu Thieân
Chuùa Ba Ngoâi trong cuoäc ñôøi chuùng ta. Trong Ngaøy ñaïi leã Chuùa Ba Ngoâi chuùng ta haõy bieát soáng keát hôïp
vôùi Ba Ngoâi Thieân Chuùa ñeå tình yeâu cuûa Cha, aân suûng cuûa Chuùa Kitoâ vaø söï hieäp nhaát cuûa Chuùa Thaùnh
Thaàn luoân maïnh meõ trong chuùng ta.
Thöù baûy vöøa qua chuùng ta cuõng ñaõ tieãn ñöa Baùc Syõ Giuse Vuõ Quoác Cöông laø choàng cuûa Chò Mary vaø Baø
Cuï Maria Traàn thò Mai ñeán nôi an nghæ cuoái cuøng- Nguyeän xin Thieân Chuùa Chuùa Ba Ngoâi vaø Meï La Vang
an uûi hai gia ñình tang quyeán vaø ban cho hai linh hoàn Giuse vaø Maria ñöôïc höôûng haïnh phuùc muoân ñôøi.
Thaønh Kính Phaân Öu cuûng hai gia ñình tang quyeán.
Thaân meán trong Thieân Chuùa Ba Ngoâi laø Hieàn Maãu La Vang
Linh Muïc Giuse Nguyeãn Vaên Luaân vaø Linh Muïc Augustinoâ Vuõ Ngoïc Long
June 03, 2012
Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church
Page 3
Garage Sale!
Thoâng Baùo Doøng Ba Ña Minh
Giaùo Xöù seõ coù ñôït baùn Garage Sale vaøo ba ngaøy 6, 7, vaø 8
thaùng 7 naêm 2012. Xin quyù vò mang ñeán ñoùng goùp nhöõng
ñoà cuõ coøn duøng ñöôïc ñeå giuùp giaùo xöù trong ñôït Garage
Sale kyø naøy:
 Đồ đạc cho em bé
 Quần áo còn tốt
 Đồ điện tử, TV nhỏ còn coi được, máy hút bụi còn tốt
 Quạt Máy còn chạy được
 Vật dụng làm vườn
 Vật dụng trong nhà
 Đồ dung nhà bếp
 Chậu hoa hay cây cảnh
 Bàn ghế
 Đồ chơi an toàn và có tính cách giáo dục
 Đồ đạc trong nhà
 Vải
Doøng Ba Ña Minh seõ coù buoåi hoïp haøng thaùng sau thaùnh leã
10:30 tuaàn sau vaøo ngaøy Chuùa Nhaät ngaøy 10 thaùng 6 taïi
phoøng 003. Nhoùm seõ baàu laïi ban phuïc vuï. Xin kính môøi
quí hoäi vieân tham döï ñoâng ñuû.
Thoâng Baùo
Caùc Baø Meï Coâng Giaùo seõ coù buoåi hoïp haøng thaùng sau
thaùnh leã 10:30 tuaàn naøy vaøo ngaøy Chuùa Nhaät ngaøy 03
thaùng 6 taïi phoøng 003. Xin kính môøi quí hoäi vieân tham döï
ñoâng ñuû.
Lieân Nhoùm Cursillo seõ coù hoïp haøng thaùng vaøo Chuùa Nhaät
tuaàn naøy luùc 8 giôø 30 saùng taïi phoøng 002. Xin quyù hoäi
vieân tham döï ñoâng ñuû,
Khaán Cho caùc Hieàn Phuï
Xin miễn nhận nệm giường, bàn ghế quá lớn, TV
có màn ảnh quá lớn, máy giặt máy sấy
Xin chân thành cám ơn!
Quyõ Muïc Vuï 2012
“Haõnh Dieän laø Ngöôøi Coâng Giaùo”
Giaùo Xöù seõ coù laàn khaán ñaëc bieät cho caùc Hieàn Phuï trong
suoát thaùng 6 nhaân ngaøy leã Father’s Day. Xin coäng ñoaøn
laáy bao thô khaán taïi cuoái nhaø thôø ñeå cuøng caàu nguyeän cho
caùc ngöôøi cha coøn soáng cuõng nhö ñaõ qua ñôøi.
Rao Hoân Phoái
Tieán Trieån cho ñeán ngaøy 30 thaùng 5 naêm 2012
Thaéng Nguyeãn & Trang Vuõ
Chæ Tieâu
cho naêm
Soá gia ñình
ñaõ höùa
Toång soá tieàn Toång soá tieàn
höùa ñoùng
ñaõ ñoùng
Xin caùm ôn taát caû quyù vò ñaõ höùa ñoùng goùp cho quyõ muïc vuï
trong tinh thaàn quaûng ñaïi vaø caàu nguyeän.
Moãi moät soá tieàn höùa, duø to hay nhoû, ñeàu ñöôïc quyù troïng vaø
ñaùnh giaù cao. Neáu quyù vò naøo chöa coù cô hoäi ñeå höùa ñoùng
goùp, xin quyù vò boû bao thô ñoùng goùp vaø gioû xin tieàn hoaëc gôûi
veà vaên phoøng giaùo söù. Xin môøi quyù vò höùa ñoùng goùp treân
maïng, Giaùo Xöù chuùng ta seõ ñöôïc
nhaän $10 cho moãi quyù vò höùa treân maïng.
“Vì kho taøng cuûa anh ôû
ñaâu, thì loøng anh ôû ñoù.”
Matthew 6:21
Leã cöôùi seõ ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo luùc 12 giôø ngaøy 9 thaùng 6, 2012
David Sung & Thuùy Nguyeãn
Leã cöôùi seõ ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo luùc 2 giôø ngaøy 9 thaùng 6, 2012
Kieät Nguyeãn & Ngoïc Nguyeãn
Leã cöôùi seõ ñöôïc cöû haønh vaøo luùc 10 giôø ngaøy 16 thaùng 6, 2012
(Neáu ai bieát nhöõng ñoâi naøy coù ngaên trôû ñeå tieán ñeán hoân
nhaân, xin lieân laïc vôùi cha Giaùm Quaûn)
Soá tieàn ñoùng goùp cho tuaàn thöù tö cuûa thaùng Naêm
Tieàn thaâu töø quaày thöïc phaåm
Xin vui loøng duøng phong bì Giaùo Xöù ñeå ñoùng goùp trong
Thaùnh Leã Chuùa Nhaät.
Duøng phong bì nhö laø caùch thöùc chuùng ta “goùi geùm nhöõng
moùn quaø” daâng Chuùa vaø caûm taï Ngaøi trong caùc Thaùnh Leã.
June 03, 2012
The Most Holy Trinity
Responsorial Psalm
Blessed the people the Lord has chosen to be His own.
Administrator’s Corner
June 3, 2012
Today the whole Church joyfully celebrates the Feast of Trinity- that our God is one God with three distinct
persons- Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. With our limit knowledge, we cannot sufficiently explain the mystery of the Trinity. However, we can only use our own faith in order to illustrate the love of the triune God.
God the Father– When we read the Book of Genesis that God has created the world and all wonderful creatures, God the father loves us even before the foundation of the world. He wants each one of us to be happy
and live in his love. Therefore, St. John’s Gospel tells us that “God is love and whoever loves one another
God loves that person and he will come and dwell in him.”
God the Son- Holy Gospels tell us that Jesus come into the world because of the love of the Father. God is
always caring for each one of us, even when we fail Him. He sent His Son into our world in order to rescue us
the darkness of our sins and gives us the newness of life. When we are baptized we become the children of
God through Jesus Christ. In short, Jesus comes to redeem us and restore our friendship with God the Father.
We need to read the Holy Bible and try to appreciate the role of Jesus in our lives. If we put our love into actions, then Jesus will continue to dwell within us and He will make us better.
God the Holy Spirit is the love between the Father and the Son. Holy Spirit is the consoler. He will guide us
in our journey of life with His seven gifts. Wisdom is the great gift that we can ask the Holy Spirit so we can
be able to be prudent to make decision in our lives. Fear of the Lord is to entrust our lives to God and he will
be able to control our lives. Overall, we pray to the Holy Spirit that He will come and renew the face of the
On this Solemnity of the Holy Trinity let us recommit ourselves to worship the Lord each Sunday at Mass.
When we come to celebrate the Holy Mass, we proclaim that God is our creator, Jesus is our redeemer and
Holy Spirit is our consoler. May we love and respect each other. May our lives be more united in the love that
the Triune -God give us.
On Saturday, we had two funerals, one for Dr. Joseph Cuong Quoc Vu who was the husband of Mary Vu. She
has been an active parishioner in our parish. The other is Mrs. Maria Mai Thi Tran. We want to express our
condolences and prayers to Mary Vu and Nhung Nguyen, daughter of Mrs. Mai Tran and the two families in
this time of difficulties. May the Lord reward both of them in heaven, and may they rest in peace.
Your humble servant in the Triune- God and Our Lady of La Vang
Rev. Joseph Luan Nguyen and Rev. Long Ngoc Vu
2012 Pastoral Services Appeal (PSA)
“Proud to be Catholic”
Progress Report as of May 30, 2012
2012 Parish
No. of Pledges Total Pledges
Total Actual
Collection for the 4th week of May
Food Sales $800
Please use envelopes as an act of thanksgiving to the Lord.
Página 5
La Santísima Trinidad
03 de Junio del 2012
Salmo Responsorial
Dichoso el pueblo escogido por Dios.
Notas del Administrador
Junio 3, 2012
Hoy toda la Iglesia celebra con alegría la fiesta de la Santísima Trinidad que nuestro Dios es un Dios con tres personas distintas, Padre, Hijo y el Espíritu Santo. Con límite de nuestro conocimiento, no se puede explicar suficientemente el misterio de la Trinidad. Sin embargo, solo podemos usar nuestra propia fe con el fin de ilustrar el amor
del Dios que es uno y trino.
Dios Padre: Cuando leemos el libro del Génesis que Dios creó el mundo y todas las criaturas maravillosas. Dios
Padre nos ama incluso antes de la fundación del mundo. Él quiere que cada uno de nosotros seamos felices y vivamos en su amor. Por lo tanto, el Evangelio de San Juan nos dice que “Dios es amor y quien ama a su prójimo, Dios
lo ama y vendrá a habitar en él”.
Dios Hijo: El Santo Evangelio nos dice que Jesús vino al mundo por el amor del Padre. Dios siempre está cuidando a cada uno de nosotros, incluso cuando le fallamos. El envió a su Hijo a nuestro mundo con el fin de rescatarnos de la oscuridad de nuestros pecados y nos da la novedad de vida. Cuando somos bautizados nos convertimos
en hijos de Dios por medio de Jesucristo. En resumen, Jesús viene a redimirnos y restaurar nuestra amistad con
Dios Padre. Tenemos que leer la Santa Biblia y tratar de apreciar el papel de Jesús en nuestras vidas. Si ponemos
nuestro amor en las acciones entonces Jesús continuará habitando dentro de nosotros y nos hará mejores.
Dios Espíritu Santo: Es el amor entre el Padre y el Hijo. El Espíritu Santo es el consolador. Él nos guiará en
nuestro camino de vida con sus siete dones. La sabiduría es el gran regalo que podemos pedir al Espíritu Santo
para que podamos ser capaces de ser prudentes para tomar las decisiones en nuestras vidas. El temor al Señor es
confiar nuestras vidas a Él y el será capaz de guiar nuestras vidas. En general, oramos al Espíritu Santo que vendrá y renovará la faz de la tierra.
En esta solemnidad de la Santísima Trinidad que nos comprometemos nuevamente a adorar al Señor cada domingo cuando venimos a celebrar la Santa Misa, proclamamos que Dios Padre es nuestro creador, Jesús es nuestro
Redentor y el Espíritu Santo es nuestro Consolador. Podemos amar y respetar a los demás. Que nuestra vida sea
más unida en el amor que Dios el Uno y trino: nos da.
El Sábado, tuvimos dos funerales, uno fue para el Dr. José Quoc Cuong Vu, que fué el esposo de Mary Vu. Ella
ha sido un feligrés activo en nuestra parroquia. La otra es Maria Mai Thi Tran. Queremos expresar nuestras condolencias a Mary Vu y a Nhung Nguyen, hija de la señora Mai Tran, para estas dos familias en estos momentos
difíciles. Que el Señor premie a ellos en el cielo y que descansen en paz.
Sus humildes servidores en la Trinidad-Dios y Nuestra Señora de La Vang
Rev. Joseph Luan Nguyen y Rev. Agustín Long Vu
Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales
Orgulloso de ser Católico
Informe de Mayo 30, 2012
Meta parroquial para el
No. de Promesas
Total de Promesas
Total Actual
de Pagos
Colecta Dominical de la 4ra Semana de Mayo $11,914
Venta Comida $800
Por favor use sus sobres dominicales como acción de
gracias al Señor.
June 03, 2012
Our Lady of La Vang Catholic Church
Page 6
Novena For Father’s Day
Novenas Por El Día De Las Padres
We will have Novena for Fathers Day throughout the whole
month of June. The Novena envelopes are now available.
Please fill out a novena envelope so we can pray for your
father(s), living or deceased.
Stand Up For Religious Freedom!
-On Friday, June 8, tens of thousands of faithful citizens will gather in
prayer and public witness in cities and towns all across the United States to
oppose the HHS Mandate and stand up in defense of our religious freedoms. This event is organized by a group of local volunteers from United 4
Religious Freedom.
-Join the Orange County Ralley and say NO to the new U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services Mandate, which forces employers—including
religious charities—to provide free contraceptives, female sterilization and
abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans. For more information Contact Rally Captain Steve Cameron at [email protected].
Friday, June 8 at 12:00 Noon in Santa Ana
We gather at “The Plaza of the Flags”
Behind the Orange County Courthouse
700 Civic Center Drive West, Santa Ana, CA 92702
Parking lots: Flower Street, south of Civic Center Drive or Santa Ana and
Patron Street
Legal Advice on Immigration and Labor
Saturday, June 23, 2012 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
830 N. Ross, Santa Ana, CA 92701
This event will offer free legal information to the community in cases of immigration and labor. Attorneys have
offered their time to answer questions with you one-on-one.
Also, this event will offer 50-minute workshops on:
10 a.m. – Secure Communities
11 a.m. – Citizenship Process
1 p.m. – Civic Participation
2 p.m. – E-Verify
3 p.m. – Dream Act
Legal advice does require an appointment. Call (714) 2702952.
*If you do not have an appointment, legal advice is not
Parish Rummage Sale
We will be having our annual Rummage Sale on July 6, 7,
and 8, 2012 to fundraise for our parish. Please donate any
of the following items to help us have a successful Rummage Sale:
 Baby items
 Fabrics
 Clothing in good condition  Small or medium
 Electronics items
sized TVs
 Household products
 Kitchen utensils
 Tables & chairs
 Gardening tools
 Toys, games
Please NO mattress, large furniture, big screen TVs,
washers, dryers and oversized items.
Vamos a tener una novena para rezar por todas las padres
durante todo el mes de Junio. Por favor, llene su sobre para
el novenario para el Día del Padre y recordar a su querido.
Clínica Legal Gratuita
Ayuda legal para casos de inmigracioùn y casos del trabajo.
Saùbado, 23 de Junio, 2012 9:00am-4pm.
830 N. Ross St., Santa Ana, Ca 92701
El evento ofrece ayuda legal gratuita en casos laborales y
de inmigracioùn. Los abogados ofreceraùn su tiempo para
contestar tus preguntas de manera individual. Tambieùn el
evento ofreceraù talleres de información de 50 minutos en
los siguientes temas:
10am-Comunidades Seguras
11am—Proceso de Ciudadanía
1pm—Participacioùn Cívica
2pm—Programa E-Verify
3pm—El Acta de los Sueños
El Grupo de Jóvenes para Cristo va a realizar un Retiro de
Iniciación el 8,9 y 10 de Junio del 2012, para mayores de 18
años, en el Centro de Retiro de Marywood - Diócesis de
Si no tiene transporte puede venir aquí a la parroquia, partiremos el Viernes 8 de junio a las 6PM, Tenemos cupo limitado.
Para más información favor llamar a Ricardo De Tamo 714313-4439 ó Margarito Valeriano 714-392-3813
Garage Sale!
Vamos a tener nuestro Venta de Garage Anual el 6, 7 y 8 de
julio, del 2012, para recaudar fondos para nuestra parroquia.
Por favor, done los siguientes elementos:
 Artículos de bebé, jugetes, juegos
 Ropa (limpia y en Buena condición)
 Artículos Electrónicos, TV (Pequeños ó mediano)
 Ventiladores, Aspiradoras
 Herramientas de jardinería, Mesas y sillas
 Artículos domésticos, utensilios de cocina
 Plantas/Flores
 Muebles pequeños
 Telas
NO colchones, muebles grandes, TVs de pantalla grande,
lavadoras ó secadoras
Felicitaciones a todos los niños y sus familias que han recibido el cuerpo y la sangre de Cristo por primera vez. Que Jesús en la Sagrada Eucaristía es la fuente de la
vida eterna y prodigar su bendición sobre estos niños y sus familias.
Acosta, Julian
Acosta, Hector
Acosta, Yesica
Aguilar, Steven
Aguilar, Karen
Aguilar, Angel
Aguilar, Brandon
Aguilera, Danny
Angeles, Jacqueline
Arreola, Cristian
Arriaga, Yuliana
Baiza, Maria de Jesus
Benitez, Lizbeth
Bolaños, Dulce Lizbeth
Bravo, Sunshine D.
Calles-Noriega, Judith Aidee
Carreno, Ana Brittany
Carrillo, Elizabeth
Chamu, Juan
Chamu, Danelia
Chavez, Gabriel Refugio
Chox, Destiny Marie
Cortes, Jasmin
Cortes, Angel Roman
Cortes, Beverly
Damacio, Liz Sandra
Davalos, Alejandro
Degante, Edwin
Degante, Brenda Lizbeth
Degante, Francisco
Delgado, Lizbeth
Delgado, Leonardo Rafael
Delgado, Omar
Delgado, Stephany
Diaz, Luis Mario
Diaz, Fernando
Duran, Stephanie
Duran, Robert Jr.
Escobar, Hector
Espinoza, Natalie
Estrada, Celso
Flores, Didier Eder
Flores, Leonardo
Frias, Eloy Eduardo
Fuentes, Christopher
Fugett, Genisis Marie
Gomez, Francisco Ignacio
Gomez, Rafael Jose
Guzman, Rafael
Jaramillo, Elizabeth
Lopez, Argenis
Lopez, Anahi
Lopez, Nayzeth Guadalupe
Lopez, Melissa
Lucero, Daniel
Lucero, Araceli
Luna, Lucila Elizabeth
Macias, Nhaovaleth
Maldonado, Lisette
Maldonado, Michelle Kintina
Maldonado, Vanessa
Manguilar, Jacquelyn
Marin, Melissa
Martinez, Natalia
Mejia, Briana Diana
Monzalvo, Wendy
Morales, Victoria
Morales, Eduardo
Morales, Jaime
Morales, Lucia Maria
Munguia, Roman
Munguia, Judith Yessenia
Muñoz, Salvador
Murillo, Alondra Lizeth
Najera, Kallen Sherline
Nava, Christian
Negrete, Jaqueline
Noriega, Lizbeth Itzel
Ojeda, Janet
Pastrana, Roberto
Pastrana, Hugo Jr.
Ramirez, Alejandra
Ramirez, Tania
Ramirez, Yadira America
Reyes, Samantha
Reyes, Yesenia
Robles, Dario
Robles, Rosalinda
Rodriguez, Angelica Yadhira
Rodriguez, Alejandra
Rodriguez, Michelle
Romo, Leslie
Rosales, Vanessa
Sanchez, Luis Angel
Soria, Isaias
Vasquez, Daniel
Vasquez, Alejandro
Yepez, Eleny Jocelyn
Yepez, Rosa
Zapata, Eddie
Zapata, Kimberly Daylin
Zepeda, Fernando David
BC Advance
Auto Repair
Chuyên sửa điện, đèn check
engine, máy hộp số, timing belt,
Se Habla Español
Reparación de Autos
308 N. Harbor Blvd. #B
Santa Ana, CA 92703
Cleaner & Alteration
Dry clean vaø söûa quaàn aùo
nam nöõ caùc loaïi
Audrey Pharmacy
9741 Bolsa Ave. Suite #116, Westminster, CA 92683
Fax: 714-531-1989
Import & Domestic
Complete Auto Repair &
Body Services
10191 Westminster Ave
Garden Grove, CA 92843
Store Hours
Mon - Fri: 9:30 am - 6:00 pm
Wed - Sat: 9:30 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday Closed
Tel: 714-531-1983
Lieân Khoång
AUDREY VU - Pharm. D
10495 Bolsa Ave. #103
Westminster, CA 92683
(trong khu phôû Nguyeãn Hueä)
Free tire rotation
and brake
inspection when
oil change
15205 Moran St.
CA 92683
Tel: 714-638-2888
Fax: 714-638-8345
* Kinh nghiệm trên 30 năm dạy
lái xe tại California
* Tận tâm, uy tín, vui vẻ.. Học
phí nhẹ nhàng. Đưa đón an toàn
* H.L.V giảng dạy, thông thạo 2
ngôn ngữ VIỆT-MỸ
* BẢO ĐẢM: Huấn luyện đúng
LUẬT D.M.V đòi hỏi trong thời
gian CẤP TỐC nhất
13075 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92843
(goùc ñöôøng Harbor & Garden Grove, trong khu 99¢ Store & Chuck e Cheese’s)
M-F: 10 - 6
MD-7 Beauty Center
For advertisement please call our parish office
Chuyeân: choân caát, hoaû vaø thuyû taùng
Cung caáp: quan taøi, kim tónh, moä bia, huõ tro, hoa
Giaù caû nheï nhaøng, phuïc vuï theo nghi leã caùc toân
Nhaän chuyeån thi haøi ñi khaép nôi treân theá giôùi.
Ñòa ñieåm thuaän lôïi, phuïc vuï chu ñaùo, taän taâm uy tín.
714-899-0505 - 24/24 ANH ĐÀO LÊ
Xin môøi coäng ñoàng daân Chuùa
thöôûng thöùc qua nhöõng moùn aên ñaëc
saûn cuûa chuùng toâi:
* Baùnh cuoán toâm chaùy $4/lb *
Baùnh cuoán toâm thòt $3/lb * Baùnh
cuoán khoâng $2/lb * Baùnh ñuùc khay
$20, $25, $30 * Caùc loaïi xoâi khoâng
duøng phaåm maøu $2.50/lb * Gioø luïa
$3.50/caây, 100 baùnh beøo $17, 100
baùnh boät loïc $33
** Direct Cremation $595 + cremation fee
Xin goïi C. Lan: 714-837-0895
9090 Bolsa Ave,
Westminster, CA 92683
- One man band, Full band
- Ca sĩ trẻ trung, duyên
dáng; MC chuyên nghiệp,
vui vẻ
- Dạy Piano và Saxophone
(beân caïnh hoäi V.N. Töông Teá)
Howie Dinh
Nhạc Sĩ Đình Thanh
Nhận giúp vui cho:
•Tiệc cưới • Sinh Nhật
•Hội đoàn • Party
Sun: Closed
CHÚ KỲ 714-797-1144
Natural Herb Products
Sat: 10 - 2
Thiêm Nguyễn
Complete Funeral & Cemetery
goods with wholesale price
Caskets, grave markers, flowers
Cemetery broker office
Funeral Services

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