Sept 16 to Sept 26,2014
THE EXALTATION OF THE HOLY CROSS/ EXALTAÇÃO DA SANTA CRUZ MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA September 16 – 19 de Setembro, 2014 Terça-feira, 16 de Setembro – 7:00 pm Décio Frada e Primos – M. Frada Eduardo de Melo – Grupo de Oração Pais e Irmãos de Dina Cabral João Cabral, Filho e Irmão Manuel Cabral – M. Botelho Maria Helena Amaral – Merita Rebelo Wednesday, September 17 – 7:00 pm Afonso Amaral, Avós e Padrinho – Pais Adelaide Branco – Irmãos Eduardo de Melo – Ana Costa Fátima Mendonça –Natália Medeiros Quinta-feira, 18 de Setembro – 7:00 pm Olímpia Ferreira e sua Mãe – Fernanda Ferreira Almas do Purgatório – Maria R. Silva António Sousa Cruz – Silvestre Vieira Friday, September 19 – 9:30 pm Holy Cross School (Mass for Exaltation of the Cross Feast) Adriano Simões – Ilusinda Simões Maria Helena Amaral – M. Oliveira Sábado / Saturday, September 20, 2014 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo / Sunday, September 21, 2014 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass READINGS TWENTY-FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Isaiah 55: 6-9 Second Reading: Philippians 1: 20-24, 27 Gospel: Matthew 20: 1-16 TWENTY -SIXTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME First Reading: Ezekiel 18: 25-28 Second Reading: Philippians 2: 1-11 Gospel: Matthew 21: 28-32 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 2nd. Weekend of the month! Thanks for your generosity towards St. Vincent de Paul every 2nd weekend of the month! ATTENTION KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: A general meeting is scheduled for Monday Sept 15th at 7:30 pm Please attend! CHILDREN LITURGY As summer draws to a close, the Holy Cross Children’s Liturgy program has begun. Please bring children to the 11:00 am mass to participate and learn about the weekly readings that is taught at a level so that they can understand and grow in faith. All are welcome to join! RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) A preparation course for the Catechumen begins Sept. 17th at St. Patrick’s Church. Call the Parish @ 519-455-4740 if you know someone who wants to participate. As the Catechumen go through their journey we ask that you keep them in your prayers. 25th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME / 25º DOMINGO DO TEMPO COMUM MASSES FOR THE WEEK / MISSAS DA SEMANA September 23 – 26 de Setembro, 2014 Terça-feira, 23 de Setembro – 7:00 pm Acção de Graças ao Santo Cristo – Romeiros Pais e Familiares de José Cabral Maria Helena Amaral – José e Dina Cabral Wednesday, September 24 – 7:00 pm Maria Costa – Celestino Costa Eduardo de Melo – Ana Costa Quinta-feira, 25 de Setembro – 7:00 pm José Furtado e Aurinda e Familiares – Maria Rebelo Manuel e Glória Medeiros – Natália Medeiros Almas do Purgatório em especial as devotas ao S. José – Irene Correia Maria Rosa Vieira – Silvestre Vieira Friday, September 26 – 9:30 pm Maria Helena Amaral – M. Oliveira Sábado/ Saturday, September 27, 2014 6:00 pm – Missa em Português Domingo/ Sunday, September 28, 2014 9:00 am – Missa em Português 11:00 am – English Mass OFFERTORY COLLECTION /COLECTA DO OFERTÓRIO August 30 – 31 de Augusto….........................................................$ 2,940.00 September 6 – 7 de Setembro........................................................$ 4,487.00 Building Fund for September……….……………………………………..$ 1,670.00 Direct Deposit for September…….……………………………………….$ 3,069.00 Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith. Nossa gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé. GROWING IN FAITH CATHECISM Attention parents and grandparents of children in grades 3 to 7, the catechism program begins Friday Sept 19th (6:00 pm to 8:00 pm). For more information call the Parish Office@ 519-455-4740 or Connie Brandão at 519-685-6312. WHY CATHOLIC? Journey through the Catechism An excellent opportunity to learn more about our Catholic faith from a scriptural and catechetical approach giving a solid foundation for all of us to express our faith and be able to reach out to others. First session begins October 19th. Sign-up for the first session will be Sept 13th & 14th. OUR LADY OF FATIMA FESTIVITIES (2014) A great Success! Many thanks to all who dedicated their time, donated monetarily, participated in the procession and came to celebrate with us the feast in honour of our Lady. We will post the financial results on the next bulletin. May God Bless all of you! Fr. Luiz Carlos Pinheiro LIFE – CHAIN (October 5th, 2014 from 2:30pm -3:30 pm) This is a powerful witness for the sacredness of Life in a peaceful and prayerful way. The information for the annual cross city Life chain has been posted on the board. Please come and join us and you can bring a chair. Arrive at approx. 2:15 pm, the drop off location for our parish: Wellington & Weston (Chain will spread from Weston to Bond). Call Bonnie @ 519-659-3334 if you need assistance with online registration. Join 40 DAYS for LIFE at Victoria Hospital! "40 Days for Life" is a pro-life world wide initiative. Endorsed by Bishop Fabbro. Kickoff rally starts with mass at St. John the Divine Church Tues. Sept. 23rd @ 7:00pm. Prayer vigil begins Sept 24th to Nov 1st between 7:00am-7:00pm, except on Sundays. (Feel free to bring a chair). Contact the London Area Right to Life @ 519-659-3334. To book online, visit: You can also pick up a handout from the welcome desk besides the elevator. For more info please see the poster on the board. London Public Square Rosary Rally (Saturday, October 11, 2014) Location: Victoria Park Bandshell, London…. Pray with us for peace, for our Church, Pope Francis, our Bishops, priests, deacons and religious and for the conversion of Canada. Come celebrate the 97th anniversary of the Miracle at Fatima (Start Time: 11:45AM). For more info check the poster on board, or George Fox (519) 439-8156 [email protected] The LIVING ROSARY in the Schools Is in need for volunteers for the 12th year of praying the Rosary with elementary students. If you have a devotion to the Mother of God, love the Rosary and can visit a school once a month to share your devotion with the youth, please consider being part of this important ministry for our Mother Mary. Training is provided. Contact: Rosemarie & Terry Lyng @ 519-473-3445 HOLY CROSS CHRISTMAS PLAY (December) Looking for young talented people to be part of a Christmas play to be performed in the Parish Hall for our parish. Rehearsals to prepare will start Sunday Sept 14 @ 6:00pm. FESTAS DE NOSSA SENHORA DE FATIMA (2014) Um Grande Sucesso! Endereçamos um agradecimento especial a todos que se envolverem e dedicaram seu trabalho, contribuíram com seus donativos e participaram na procissão. Também a todos que comparecerem à Festa em honra da nossa mãe o nosso sincero obrigado! O balanço financeiro será divulgado no próximo boletim. Pe. Luiz Carlos Pinheiro Programa do RCIA O programa para preparar os nossos catecúmenos inicia 17 de Setembro na Paróquia de St.Patrick´s. Se conhece alguém que deseje participar neste programa, ligue para Paróquia: 519-455-4740. Vamos caminhar todos em oração pedindo a Deus pelos nossos catecúmenos. Por qué ser católico? Uma Caminhada pelo Catequismo! Inscreva-se para participar neste programa em nossa paróquia. Esta é uma excelente oportunidade para aprender mais sobre nossa fé católica com a comunidade paroquial. A primeira sessão começa em 19 de Outubro com um olhar em profundidade na oração cristã. Todos são convidados a participar. CRESCENDO NA FÉ (Programa de Catequese) Inicia na sexta, dia 19 de Setembro, das 6:00 pm às 8:00 pm para crianças dos (grades 3 – 7) Pais, invistam no crescimento de fé de seus filhos, tragam-nos para a Catequese. Para mais informação ligue para a Paroquia 519-455-4740 ou para Connie Brandão 519-685-6312 Life – Chain -Unidos pela vida! (5 de Outubro das 2:30pm -3:30 pm) Mais uma vez pedimos a todos para se unirem e dar testemunha de paz e oração contra o aborto. O lugar de encontro para a nossa paróquia é na Wellington e Weston St. (Mais informação encontra-se no quadro da igreja) 40 DIAS de oração pela vida! No Hospital Vitória Apoiado pelo Bispo Fabbro esta campanha anual inicia de 24 de Set. até 1 de Nov. Junte-se a esta vigília e reze pelos pré-nascidos e seus pais e por todos aqueles envolvidos na indústria do aborto. (Pode trazer sua cadeira) Para reservar, visite o website: www. Podem também usar os folhetos na mesa ao lado do elevador. Ligue para a London Area Right to Life @ 519-659-3334.
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