Feb 9 to Feb 19 2016


Feb 9 to Feb 19 2016
February 9 – 12 de Fevereiro, 2016
Terça-feira, 9 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm
Fátima Catunto e Filho John Catunto – Familia
José Ferreira – Susie Ferreira
David Freitas Pais e irmãos – Lúcia Freitas
Altino Resendes – Esposa
7º dia de Elisa Medeiros
Quinta-feira, 11 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm
Jaime Cabral – Esposa
José e Maria da Silva – Donna Jarvis
Manuel Raposo Teves – M. Teves
Urania Câmara – Nuno Câmara e familia
Sábado / Saturday, February 13, 2016
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Domingo / Sunday, February 14, 2016 (Valentine’s day)
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
Second Reading: Romans 10: 8-11
Second Reading Philippians 3: 17-4.1
Gospel: Luke 9: 28b-36
Wednesday, February 17
Maria Gertrudes Castro & in-laws
Marcolino Madeira – Da Ponte Family
Emília Almeida – M. Rebelo
Maria Ramos – Cassandra Gonçalves
Quinta-feira, 18 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm
Rosalina Martins – D. Miranda
Pais de Rosa Barbosa
Manuel, Palmira e João Ferreira – Z. Soares
Decio Frada e Pe. Marcolino – M. Frada
Friday, February 12 – 9:30 am
Purgatory Souls
Purgatory Souls especially the devoted to St. Joseph- Irene Correia
First Reading: Genesis 15: 5-12
February 16 – 19 de Fevereiro, 2016
Terça-feira, 16 de Fevereiro – 7:00 pm
António Marques – Nazalia Medeiros
Augusto Moniz – Nadir Moniz
José e Belmira Amaral – Maria S. Amaral
Altino Resendes – Esposa
Wednesday, February 10 – (Ash Wednesday/Quarta feira de cinzas)
9:30 am: English Mass + Schools
7:00 pm: Missa em Português
First Reading: Deuteronomy 26: 4-10
Gospel: Luke 4: 1-13
First Communion
Sunday May 29th @ 2:00pm
Sunday April 3rd. @ 2:00pm
Parent Meeting: Sun. Feb 7th@11:00am
Reconciliation: Sat. Apr 2nd
Classes begin: Feb 9th
Note: Confirmation registry packages available on the table beside the elevator
Holy Cross parishioners thank you for your generosity towards St. Vincent de
Paul every 2nd weekend of the month. Who gives to the poor, lends to the
Lord! Holy Cross SVDP conference
Please keep in your prayers our Catechumen candidates Brooke and Meighen
as they journey into being received in full communion into the Catholic faith.
WHY CATHOLIC? Season 4 – Part 2 of BELIEVE
Everyone is invited to participate in the next season of Why-Catholic even if
you have not joined in the past…Please join one of the groups in our parish.
Call the office for more information, begins Feb 8th.
O Grupo de idosos de nossa Paroquia reúne-se na quarta-feira dia 17 de Fevereiro no
hall da igreja para celebrar o dia do Valentines. Votos para um dia de Valentine´s muito
feliz. Happy Valentines day to everyone! Que Deus os abençoe!
Friday, February 19 – 9:30 am
Adriano Simões / Thanksgiving to our Lady – Ilusinda Simões
Purgatory Souls
Purgatory Souls especially the devoted to St. Joseph – Irene Correia
Sábado/ Saturday, February 20, 2016
6:00 pm – Missa em Português
Domingo/ Sunday, February 21, 2016
9:00 am – Missa em Português
11:00 am – English Mass
Nossa Gratidão para os que contribuem para a vida desta Comunidade de Fé!
Thanking all who financially contribute with our Community of faith!
January 24 – 25 de Janeiro................................................................$4,440.00
January 30 – 31 de Janeiro...............................................................$2,885.00
Building Fund for February……………………….…….…………………..…$1,770.00
Direct deposit for February……………………………………………..…….$3,319.00
Via – Sacra Terças e Quartas-feiras (6:00pm)
Stations of the Cross Tuesdays - Wednesdays
Fev 16 – MFC
Feb 17 – CWL / English Choir
Fev 23 – Romeiros & Grupo 60+
Feb 24 - St. Vincent de Paul / Parish Council / Finance Committee
Março 1 – Ministros da Eucaristia (Português)
March 2 – English Eucharistic Ministers & Ministers of the Word
Março 8 – Grupo de Oração
March 9 – All Day Confessions, no Stations of the Cross
Março 15 – Corais Portugueses
March 16 – Why Catholic Parish Team and Leaders
Março 22 – Via – Sacra Paroquial Solene (Ministros da Palavra) (7 pm)
March 23 - Solemn English (Tableau) Youth (7 pm)
CWL- (Meetings every 2nd Tuesday of the month!)
Next meeting Tuesday Feb. 9th @ 1:00pm in the meeting room, ladies if you
have not paid your membership as of yet please bring it to the meeting.
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In response to the plea of Pope Francis, February 8 each year marks the
International Day of Prayer and Awareness against Human Trafficking. This is
the Feast Day of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was herself sold into slavery as a child.
Dioceses, parishes and schools worldwide are encouraged to mark this day.
I invite you to take some time to pray and reflect on this serious situation that affects
so many women, men and children in our world. Resources are available that will assist
you in your reflection. Included in them is a prayer for victims of human trafficking and
a call for an end to this scourge against the dignity of all persons.
Sincerely yours in Christ, Most Reverend Ronald P. Fabbro, C.S.B.,Bishop of London
Summer Camp Positions
Are you a post-secondary student looking for an extraordinary leadership
opportunity serving others? The Diocese of London Youth Ministry
Outreach Team is hiring summer staff for Catholic Christian Leadership
Camp (CCLC) 2016! As a CCLC 2016 staff member you will work with 20 other faithfilled, dynamic young people dedicated to inspiring high school aged campers in their
Catholic faith through adventure education, leadership skill development, and their
ability to live the faith as a comprehensive way of life - ALL in the great outdoors.
Call the Parish for more information.
ASH WEDNESDAY (February 10th) Distribution of Ashes
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for Catholics. The ashes we receive
on our forehead in the shape of a cross serve as an outward sign of our
sinfulness and need for penance. The ashes also symbolize our mortality, a
reminder that one day we will die and our bodies will return to dust. They are also a
reminder that God is gracious and merciful to those who call on Him with repentant
hearts. The Church calls on us to seek that mercy during the entire Lenten season with
reflection, prayer and penance. We invite all of you to come and attend mass this day!
(English mass at 9:30 am /Portuguese at 7:00pm)
We are called to prayer, fasting, and almsgiving during these holy days
of Lent. The Lenten journey of forty days calls us to prepare ourselves
for the task of reflecting on the meaning of Christ’s life, death, and
resurrection in how we relate to ourselves, with creation around us, and with God.
To better prepare us for this journey we invite you to participate in our Parish Lenten
retreat to be held on the above date. Call the Parish office to add your name to the list
or speak to Fr. Ben directly. Come participate and gain a greater appreciation for the
season of Lent!
Retiro espiritual preparatório da Quaresma (Sábado 27 de Fevereiro)
Com a celebração das Cinzas na quarta feira dia 10 de Fevereiro iniciamos o
tempo quaresmal. O termo quaresma vem do grego e significa ''quadragéssimo''.
Esse período se caract
eriza por ser uma caminhada de quarenta dias, na qual, como católicos, somos
chamados a viver um grande retiro espiritual, preparando nossos corações para a festa
da Páscoa. A quaresma deve nos levar a aprofundar nossa experiência com Nosso
Senhor através da oração, reflexão da palavra, jejum e caridade. É também o tempo
propício para renovarmos, com a ajuda da Palavra de Deus e dos Sacramentos, o nosso
caminho pessoal e comunitário de fé. (Mensagem para a Quaresma de 2012). A fim de
assim nos prepararmos para esta caminhada quaresmal, deixamos um convite especial
a todos os paroquianos para participarem do retiro espiritual da paroquia orientado
pelo Pe. José Seminati.
Para se inscrever ligue para a Paroquia ou directamente para os membros do conselho
Por que ser católico? Uma Caminhada pelo Catequismo!
Convidamos a todos a participar na 4ª sessão do programa “ Why Catholic “
mesmo não tendo participado antes. Ligue para o escritório da paróquia
para se inscrever ou através da Amélia Frada ou Patricia Lima. A sessão
inicia a 8 de Fevereiro. Nesta caminhada de fé em comunidade, rezemos
pelos leaders e participantes para que Deus os ilumine!

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