welcome to the cathedral
All Saints Parish 124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm O Pastoral Team/Staff Phone Directory Fr. John Pirt, Pastor Ext. 22, [email protected] Judy Vandenberk, Youth Coordinator Ext 24 Olga Ferreira, Office Administration, Dial 0 Anna Garcia, Secretary, Dial 0 Parish Pastoral Council Vice Chairperson: Lyle Hendrikx 519-247-3623 Finance Chairperson: Joe Czernai, 205-2935 Cemetery Board: Dianne Thuss 519-281-6732 SUNDAY EUCHARIST Saturday 5:00p.m. English Sunday 8:30a.m. 10:00a.m. English 11:30a.m. Portuguese Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturdays 3:45pm to 4:30pm Sacrament of Baptism Please call the parish office at 245-0644 to register for the baptismal class which is held on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 7:30pm in St. Angela’s Rm Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements to be made 8 months in advance by appointment with Fr. John Pirt. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 1st Thursday of the month from 8:30am-6:15pm Jerry Vens, Grand Knight 245-4818 Stephen Cochrane, Financial Secretary 245-3231 Visit us at www.kofc7570.ca Catholic Women’s League, President Gwen Waeijen, 519-245-6987 Rose Valenciuk, Memberships 226-272-4945 Trudy Thuss, Religious Articles 245-1303 Weekly Mass Schedule Monday, December 7th 5:00pm Mass Bert Vens & Marion Cochrane – K of C Tuesday, December 8th 6:30pm Rosary ~ 7:00pm Mass John Nash – Joe Nash Johanna & Henry Beynen – Hubert Beynen Maria Vieira Freitas – Pauline Tait In Thanksgiving to the Immaculate Conception – Maura Goulart Wednesday, December 9th 9:30am Mass José Henrique e Isolina Pereira – Alda Henrique José Moniz – Laudalina Moniz John DeGroot & Deceased Family – Mary DeGroot 7:00pm – 9:00pm Communal Penance Thursday, December 10th 6:30pm Terço ~ 7:00pm Missa Susana Lobitana e João Gualberto – Familia Maria dos Anjos e José Ponte – Lucia PonteFerreira Arthur Correia – Elly & Family Almas do Purgatorio e Avos de Daniel e Geraldina Fernandes Guilherme e Germana Costa – Joe & Connie Arruda Friday, December 11th 9:30am Mass – OLI & SVDP Schools Deceased members of Paiva & Sousa Families – José & Teresa Sousa John Paiva – Maria Paiva Laudalina Pires – Tina Driesman Second Sunday of Advent December 6, 2015 God has commanded that every lofty mountain be made low. – Baruch 5:7 93 DATE (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) Meetings at All Saints Monday, December 7 1:00pm K of C Cards/Pool, Col. Rm 6:00pm CWL/KofC Christmas Social, Parish Centre Tuesday, December 8 1:30pm Al-anon, St. Angela’s Rm 7:00pm Helping Hands Meeting, St. Angela’s Rm 7:30pm RCIA, St. Patrick’s Rm Wednesday, December 9 12:00pm Pastoral Care Christmas, Col. Rm 1:00pm Prayer Group, St. Patrick’s Rm Thursday, December 10 6:30pm Senior’s Euchre, Col. Rm 6:30pm Mini Saints Club, Parish Centre Diocesan Prayer Calendar May we remember in prayer, the priest, deacons, religious women and men and seminarians of the Diocese of London. May they be faithful to the charge given them by the Lord. Dec 6 – Mr. Evan Thompson, Youth Ministry Dec 7 – Deacon Lyle Lalonge Dec 8 – Rev. Bernard Pinsonneault, C.S.B. Dec 9 – Mrs. Colleen Keane, Pastoral Minister Dec 10 – Mrs. Christine Coyle, Youth Minister Dec 11 – Rev. Steve Wlusek Dec 12 – Ms. Suzanne Walton, Pastoral Minister CWL & K of C Christmas Social Monday, December 7th. We will be starting with Mass at 5pm. Doors open at 6 pm. Dinner at 6:30 pm. Cost is $10 per person and we ask that you bring a non-perishable food item. A grateful thank you! Thank you to all those who filled Christmas Child shoeboxes. This year we gathered 77 boxes for children in places where no gifts are ever seen except for these. The Angel Tree will be in the Narthex starting this weekend. Please take an angel for the age and gender you wish to buy for and bring an UNWRAPPED gift for the poor and bring the Light of Jesus into their hearts if even for one day. We will be collecting up to December 20 and distributing them to the local food bank, Women’s Rural Resources and local Children’s Services office. It is our Christmas food collection and we thank those who donate on a regular basis. Your donations go to the food bank, Women’s Shelter and CAS. Please find a few extra groceries for those in need. Thanks. ANGEL TREE On the Christmas tree in the narthex, there are angels which you may take as a reminder to return a gift for a needy child in our community. Please return the toys, unwrapped, with the angel, so that they can be distributed before Christmas. ÁRVORE DE ANJO Na árvore de Natal no tapa vente, existem anjos que você pode tomar como um lembrete para devolver um presente para uma criança carente em nossa comunidade. Por favor, devolvam os brinquedos, desembrulhados, com o anjo, para que eles possam ser distribuídos antes do Natal. The St. Vincent de Paul Society is asking you to be generous for the annual CHRISTMAS FOOD DRIVE Grocery bags are being provided as a reminder to return them filled with dry goods and other groceries that can be stored. (Great examples of things to donate are; cereals, pasta, pasta sauces, canned fruits/veggies, peanut butter, soups, etc.) A Sociedade de St. Vincent de Paul está lhe pedindo para ser generoso para a Campanha Anual de ALIMENTOS do NATAL Sacos de supermercado estão sendo fornecidos como um lembrete para devolvê-los preenchidos com produtos secos e outros alimentos que podem ser guardados. (exemplos de coisas para doar são: cereais, massas, molhos para massas, conservas de frutas / vegetais, manteiga de amendoim, sopas, etc.) Adopt a Family Would you and your family like to share some of your food and gifts with a less fortunate family? Or do you know of a parish family who has little or no money for food and gifts at Christmas? Please contact the parish office 519-2450644 or email [email protected] Adotar uma Família Você e sua família querem partilhar um pouco da sua comida e ofertas com uma família com necessidades da nossa paróquia? O se você sabe de uma família da nossa paróquia que tem pouco ou nenhum poços para comprar comida e ofertas para o Natal? Por favor contacto o escritório da paróquia 519-245-0644 ou email [email protected] 93 SUNDAY (do not change anything here, we’ll put a correct header each week) From the Desk of Father John 1. Parish Hall Painting This past Monday and Tuesday the Parish Hall and entranceway was painted. I would like to thank the Knights of Columbus and the other volunteers for their tremendous work. It looks wonderful! 2. Refugees The response to the appeal regarding bringing refugees to Canada has been overwhelming. To date we have collected over $12,000. I thank you for your generosity. 3. First Reconciliation Please pray for the young people who made their First Reconciliation this weekend and keep in your prayers those who are making their First Reconciliation in the next few weeks. 4. Parish Communal Penance We will be having our Communal Penance for Advent on Wednesday, Dec. 9th at 7:00 PM. Currently scheduled to be here are: Fr. John Comiskey, Fr. John Sharp, Fr. Patrick Beneteau, Fr. Tom Donohue, Fr. Tony Laforet, Fr. Matthew Bedard and me. If you intend on receiving this Sacrament during Advent, please take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. 5. Diocese of London Task Force on the Future of Parish Communities This Task Force is looking at how our parishes will be aligned as we deal with the declining number of priests. Our Parish Pastoral Council and our Finance Committee met in early November to discuss this issue. They are recommending a “Family” of parishes which would include Sacred Heart Parish, Delaware, Sacred Heart, Parkhill, Our Lady Help of Christians, Watford and All Saints. This past week, I presented their recommendation to the Deanery of London for consideration. I will keep you informed regarding this process as it develops. Have a great week! Fr John Do Escritorio do Padre John 1. Salão Paroquial Esta segunda-feira passada e terça-feira o Salão Paroquial e entradas foram pintados. Eu gostaria de agradecer aos Cavaleiros de Colombo e os outros voluntários para o seu tremendo trabalho.O salão parece maravilhoso! 2. Refugiados A resposta à solicitação relativa a trazer refugiados para o Canadá tem sido enorme. Até à data temos recolhido mais de $12,000. Eu agradeço a sua generosidade. 3. Primeira Reconciliação Por favor, rezam para os jovens que fizeram a sua primeira Reconciliação neste fim de semana e manter em suas orações aqueles que estão fazendo a sua primeira confissão nas próximas semanas. 4. Serviço de Penitência Communal Vamos ter o nosso Serviço de Penitência para o Advento na Quarta - feira, 9 de Dezembro as 7:00 horas da noite. Atualmente programado para estar aqui são: Fr. John Comiskey, Fr. John Sharp, Fr. Patrick Beneteau (falha português), Fr. Tom Donohue, Fr. Tony Laforet, Fr. Matthew Bedard e eu. Se você entende receber este Sacramento durante o Advento, por favor, proveito esta oportunidade maravilhosa. 5. Diocese de London Task Force sobre o futuro das Comunidades paroquiais Este Task Force está olhando como nossas paróquias serão alinhados como lidamos com a diminuição do número de sacerdotes. Nosso Conselho Pastoral Paroquial e Commissão de Finanças reuniu no início de Novembro para discutir este assunto. Eles estão recomendando uma "família" de paróquias que incluir as paróquias do Sagrado Coração, Delaware, Sagrado Coração, Parkhill, Nossa Senhora Auxiliadora, Watford e Todos os Santos. Esta semana passada, apresentei a sua recomendação ao Diocese de London, para consideração. Vou mantê-lo informado em relação a este processo como ele se desenvolve. Tenha uma ótima semana! Padre John Opening Mass for the Year of Mercy celebrated by Bishop Ronald Fabbro and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Dabrowksi the will be on: Tuesday December 8 Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception 7:00pm St. Peter’s Cathedral Basilica The liturgy will begin with the blessing of the Holy Door. We encourage and invite all parishioners to attend. The Knights of Columbus are having their Annual Drive for Fresh Start Maternity Supports the weekend of December 5th and 12th. This is operated by Rehoboth Girls Home of Refuge and Support in St. Thomas. There will be a crib in the narthex where you can leave your donation. Wish List: baby needs, nursing pads, ladies toiletries, gift cards for groceries, size 5 diapers, cleaning products, dryer sheets, pillows, scissors, pens. Os Cavaleiros de Colombo estão tendo o seu anual Amparo à Maternidade Fresh Start no fim de semana de 5 e 12 de Dezembro. Haverá um berço no tapa vente onde você pode deixar a sua doação. Lista de desejos: necessidades para bebês e para as mães, cartões de comida, produtos de limpezas, travesseiros, tesouras, canetas.
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124 Front St. E., Strathroy, Ontario N7G 1Y9 Tel: 519-245-0644 Fax: 519-660-2921 Email: [email protected] Parish Website: www.allsaints.rcec.london.on.ca Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8:30am ...
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